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Australian OGTR - DIR 121 - Invitation to comment on proposed extension to genetically modified safflower field trial

January 31, 2014

DIR 121 - Limited and controlled release of safflower genetically modified for increased levels of oleic acid - CSIRO

30 January 2014PDF version of DIR 121 - Invitation to comment on proposed extension to genetically modified safflower field trial – comments close on 7 March 2014 – posted 30 January 2014 (PDF 28 KB)

Australia’s gene technology regulatory system is designed to protect the health and safety of people and the environment by identifying risks posed by, or as a result of, gene technology and managing those risks.

The Gene Technology Regulator is currently assessing an application to vary the conditions of licence DIR 121 held by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO).

Licence DIR 121 authorises a limited and controlled release of safflower that has been genetically modified for altered oil profile between September 2013 and March 2016. The GM safflower is not permitted to enter human food or animal feed.

The GM safflower is currently authorised to be grown at three field trial sites in NSW and the ACT on a maximum area of 3 ha per year. CSIRO is requesting a variation to licence DIR 121, to also grow GM safflower at a site near Kununurra in WA, on a maximum area of 1 ha.

The original Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan (RARMP) prepared for DIR 121 took into account matters relevant to the protection of people and the environment, including current scientific information and advice from a wide range of experts, agencies and authorities. The RARMP concluded that the limited and controlled release of GM safflower poses negligible risk to human health and safety or to the environment. A range of licence conditions limit the size, locations and duration of the release, as well as restrict the spread and persistence of the GMOs and the introduced genetic material in the environment.

The Regulator welcomes written submissions on the application to vary licence DIR 121, prior to making a decision on the application. The Regulator would particularly value comments on risks to the health and safety of people or the environment that may be posed by the proposed variation. Information on licence DIR 121, including a summary of the variation application, a summary of the original RARMP, the full RARMP, the current licence conditions and a Questions and Answers document on the licence, can be obtained from the DIR 121 page of the OGTR website or by contacting the Office. Please quote licence DIR 121 in any correspondence.

Submissions should be received by close of business on 7 March 2014.


PDF version of DIR 121 – Summary of variation application – posted 30 January 2014 (PDF 29 KB)

PDF version of DIR 121 - Notification of decision on GM safflower field trial - posted 22 July 2013 (PDF 108 KB)

PDF version of DIR 121 Questions and Answers (PDF 61 KB)

PDF version of DIR 121 Summary of Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan (RARMP) (PDF 240 KB)

PDF version of DIR 121 Full Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan (RARMP) (PDF 684 KB)

PDF version of DIR 121 – GM safflower field trial licence conditions (PDF 433 KB)

Reference material

Risk Analysis Framework for Licence Applications to the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (4th Edition) 2013

Site details for DIR 121

    Site no. Area (ha) Date planted LGA/State GPS Coordinates Crop status Crop status updated
    1 0.37 October 2013 ACT/ACT -35.193349 /149.075325
    -35.192893 /149.075678
    -35.193264 /149.076535
    -35.193741 /149.076171
    -35.193660 /149.075976
    -35.193349 /149.076196
    -35.193152 /149.075836
    -35.193454 /149.075604
    Current November 2013



More news from: OGTR (Office of the Gene Technology Regulator)

Website: http://www.ogtr.gov.au

Published: January 31, 2014

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