New Zealand
10 November 2009
‘The support of over 30 organisations in the Open Day for the Tokanui Dairy Research Farm on 20 November, demonstrates dairy sector support for the new facility,’ said Geoff Balme, AgResearch’s Chief Financial Officer, who is responsible for all of AgResearch’s 13 farms.
The Research Farm, just outside Te Awamutu, is in the heart of Waikato dairy farming. The 20 November Open Day is for the public, farmers and the dairy industry and will run from 9am till 4pm.
‘We’re inviting local people, dairy farmers and anyone who wants to see how we’re working to create a more sustainable and productive dairy industry for tomorrow, today,’ said Geoff Balme.
The official opening ceremony will be at 3pm in the Main Pavilion. It will involve AgResearch Chairman Sam Robinson, Waipa Mayor Alan Livingstone, Michael Spaans of DairyNZ and Chair of the Tokanui Advisory Committee, and will conclude with the ribbon being cut by Sir Henry van der Heyden, Chairman of Fonterra Co-operative Group - representing Fonterra and the support of the dairy industry.
The AgResearch displays highlighting key areas of science research will include:
- Big In Food, Dairy Beef– How AgResearch is adding technology to add value for NZ farmers.
- Improving Dairy Cow Performance, Dairy Farming Today, For Tomorrow – A snapshot of animal health, reproduction, lactation, genetics, nutrition and welfare.
- Value Added Ingredients – There’s More to Milk than Butter and Cheese – Getting more money from niche products and niche markets.
- Forages – Ryegrass and Beyond –Traditional plant breeding, pasture renewal, new forages, endophytes. What can we expect in the next 3 to 5 years?
- Education and Employment – Growing Tomorrow’s Farmers Today – Putting the future of farming in the hands of a new generation.
- Making better use of Environmental Resources – A Toolbox of Options
Three videos are available on YouTube to give more background on Tokanui, and they cover:
Displays supporting the AgResearch Open Day are being provided by Agricom, Ashworth Lockwood, Barham United Welldrillers, Ballance Agri-Nutrients, C-Dax, Central Excavations, CRV Ambreed, DairyNZ, Donaghys, Don Chapman Builders Ltd, DTS, Environment Waikato, Farmworks, Farmax Ltd, Foundation for Arable Research, Gallagher Animal Management Systems, G & H Agri, HeliA1, Hi Tech Enviro, John Austin Contracting, LIC, Milfos, PowerFarming, PGG Wrightson, PPP Industries, Ravensdown, Russ Water Services, Seales Ltd, Stock Rock, Te Pari Products, University of Waikato, The Vet Centre, ViaLactica Biosciences, and Wintec.
The Tokanui Dairy Research Farm is thought to be the largest investment in New Zealand dairy research facilities in the last 20 years.