Dyersburg, Tennessee, USA
January 4, 2013
University of Tennessee Extension will host the 2013 Tennessee Grain and Soybean Producers Conference on Thursday, Feb. 7, at the Dyer County Fairgrounds in Dyersburg.
Conference registration begins at 7:45 a.m. Coffee and donuts will be provided and participants can start the day by touring an industry trade show. At 9 a.m. breakout sessions with university and industry experts will begin. This year’s presentations will focus on topics such as preventing fungicide resistance, adjusting your sprayer to manage drift and efficacy, variable rate corn planting, plus more topics. After the presentations conclude at noon, lunch will be provided.
Following lunch, conference participants can hear a keynote address from University of Kentucky Extension Agronomist Dr. Chad Lee. Lee is involved with the United Soybean Board’s Kitchen Sink Project. The purpose of the project, which was conducted across multiple states, was to determine input recommendations for higher-yielding, higher-quality soybeans. Lee’s presentation titled, “Maximum Yield Through Inputs” will expand on the project’s results.
You can view the complete 2013 Grain Conference program at http://utcrops.com. Click on “Upcoming Events.” You can also get more details by calling the Dyer County Extension office at 731-286-7821.
Commercial applicator points and CCA points will be available.
The Dyer County Fairgrounds are located on James Rice Road in Dyersburg.
UT Extension operates in each of Tennessee’s 95 counties as the off-campus division of the UT Institute of Agriculture. An educational outreach organization, funded by federal, state and local governments, UT Extension, in cooperation with Tennessee State University, brings research-based information about agriculture, family and consumer sciences, and resource development to the people of Tennessee where they live and work.