Aleppo, Syria
Source: Seed Info - Official Newsletter of the WANA Seed Network
No. 37, June 2009
Editorial Note
by Zewdie Bishaw, Editor
Seed Info aims to stimulate information exchange and regular communication among seed staff in the Central and West Asia and North Africa (CWANA) region. The purpose is to help strengthen national seed programs, and thus improve the supply of quality seed to farmers... >>> more
WANA Seed Network News
This section presents information on the WANA Seed Network, including network activities and reports of the meetings of the Steering Committee and the WANA Seed Council... >>> more
News and Views
News, views and suggestions on the seed industry are included in this section. It is a forum for discussion among seed sector professionals... >>> more
Contributions from Seed Programs and Projects
In this section we invite national seed programs, projects, universities, and regional and international organizations to provide news about their seed-related activities... >>> more
Research Notes
Short communications on practical research or relevant information on agriculture or seed technology are presented in this section... >>> more
Meeting and Courses
Announcements of meetings, seminars, workshops and training courses appear in this section. Please send in announcements for national, regional, or international workshops, seminars and training courses organized in your country for inclusion in the next issue...
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Books and journal articles and other literature of interest to readers are presented here. Please send information on seed and other agriculture related publications on policy, regulation, and technology to the Editor for inclusion in Seed Info... >>> more