Alexander, Iowa, USA
August 30, 2012
Veteran seedsman Til Haaland of Osage, Iowa, has joined Latham Hi-Tech Seeds as a regional sales manager. He and his son, Craig Haaland, will service parts of southern Minnesota and northern Iowa including the counties of Worth, Cerro Gordo, Floyd, Mitchell, Howard and Chickasaw.
Til grew up on a family farm near McCallsburg in Story County and began farming in 1953 after he returned from the Army. He and his wife, Lois, stayed in Central Iowa until 1970 when they moved to Mitchell County and purchased the farm where they still reside today. Their four sons graduated from Osage High School, and Lois served as an elementary school teacher for more than 30 years.
In 1984, Til was approached by Tom Thompson about selling soybeans for Thompson Seed. Til enjoyed working with his farmer-customers to achieve better yields from advanced genetics. Then, in 2001, Thompson Seed became Nu-Tech Seeds. The company continued to operate as an independent seed company until it was acquired in June 2010 by Pioneer Hi-Bred International, a DuPont company.
“I decided to join Latham Hi-Tech Seeds for several reasons,” says Til. “Because I’ve had to compete against them for a number of years, I know the Latham® brand stands for high quality and top performance. I really like what I’m seeing from Latham soybeans with the Roundup Ready 2® technology. I want my customers to have access to the Roundup Ready 2 soybeans, and now they will. I also like the fact that Latham is a family-owned, independent company with access to the industry’s leading traits and technologies. ”
“Latham has the products farmers need here in the north,” adds Haaland. “Since a salesman only gets one chance to make a good first impression, I’m glad to have such a deep and wide product offering. It’s going to be an exciting year ahead as we introduce Latham’s Gladiator hybrids designed to offer more protection for corn-on-corn situations. Latham’s IRONCLAD soybeans will defend against Iron Deficiency Chlorosis, Soybean Cyst Nematode, Phytophthora Root Rot and Brown Stem Rot. Depending on your specific needs, it must also protect against either White Mold or Sudden Death Syndrome.”