August 20, 2012
This year’s joint annual meeting of the National Association of Plant Breeders and Plant Breeding Coordinating Committee was held in Indianapolis, IN. from August 6 to 8. Nearly 200 public and commercial professionals and student attendees presented and discussed innovations and needs for tackling the biggest questions facing the industry.
The meeting also showcased the achievements of industry leaders. This year’s NAPB Lifetime Achievement Award went to Dr. Charles Stuber, professor of genetics at North Carolina State University. During his long career Dr. Stuber has received a number of awards for his pioneering research accomplishments in the development of DNA marker-based selection technology. In the United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service, he was named an Outstanding Scientist of the Year in 1989, and was inducted into the USDA-ARS Science Hall of Fame in 1999. He has been invited to speak at professional events around the globe.
The NAPB Early Career Award, which recognizes outstanding young scientists active in the plant breeding field, was awarded to Dr. Michael Gore for his innovative work developing genetic tools for the improvement of cotton and other crops. Dr. Gore earned his PhD in Plant Breeding from Cornell University in 2009, and is now a research geneticist with the ARS in Maricopa, AZ. He is also an adjunct assistant research professor at the University of Arizona and serves on the editorial boards of Crop Science and Theoretical and Applied Genetics.
Dr. Marvin Boerboom was awarded the Plant Breeding Impact Award, which annually recognizes an individual who has made exceptional advancements and contributions in the field of plant breeding. Dr. Boerboom is a Monsanto Line Development Breeder at the Olivia, MN Corn Research Station, and has over 35 years of corn breeding experience. He received the Monsanto Science and Technology Career Award in 2005 and the Edgar M. Queeny Award, Monsanto’s highest award for science and technology, in 2008.
The Plant Breeding Coordinating Committee serves as a forum regarding issues and opportunities of national and global importance to the public and private sectors of the U.S. national plant breeding effort.