Greensboro, North Caqrolina, USA
March 12, 2012
Syngenta and the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) partnered together at the Corn & Sorghum and Soybean Seed Research Conference held Dec. 6-9, 2011 in Chicago to make a difference during the holiday season. Through their ‘Nourishing Hearts, Cultivating Hope’ campaign, Syngenta and ASTA collected donations to benefit the Greater Chicago Food Depository, a nonprofit food distribution and training center that provides food for the hungry and strives to end hunger in their local community.
According to the Greater Chicago Food Depository, 1 in 5 people in Chicago are unsure where they will find their next meal. To help combat this statistic, Syngenta and ASTA collected charitable contributions from conference attendees and were able to raise $1,628.59. ASTA donated an additional $1,500 and Syngenta matched the contributions with a donation of $1,628.59, bringing the grand total to $4,757.18.
“We’re honored to partner with ASTA to help such a worthy cause,” said David Winston, Seedcare asset lead, Syngenta. “It’s important to look at the bigger picture, especially during the holidays. When it comes down to it, Syngenta, ASTA and the Greater Chicago Food Depository share the same goal – we want to help feed the world.”
Syngenta worked with local FFA students to implement this campaign throughout the conference. To thank them for their support, Syngenta donated $500.00 to their Chicago Ag Sciences FFA chapter.