Usurbil, Basque Country
June 28, 2011
Biocides turn out to be less toxic for the environment if they are subjected to microencapsulation, due to the fact that this process forms shell(s) for the substance. This is the conclusion of chemist Ms Mariluz Alonso in a thesis defended at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). In this research, she chose a number of biocides and other complementary substances, seeking a micro-encapsulation which, besides being compatible with the environment, is more soluble in water, more manageable for the operator, with better conditions of conservation, and effective against airborne insects. Her thesis is entitled Micro-encapsulation of biocides, and has given rise to publications in journals such as the International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (the article is entitled Advantages of biocides-β-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes against active components).
The aim of the researcher was to obtain a product that overcame the limits of common biocides. These limits correspond to a toxicological profile that restricts their use, poor solubility in water, high viscosity (in some cases) that complicates their handling, and high sensitivity (in most cases) to light and temperature. The product not only complies with these parameters, but has also shown that it is effective against the domestic fly, in tests undertaken in the laboratory.
Cyclodextrine as encapsulating agent
In order to form this product Ms Alonso chose the carbamate insecticides (concretely, bendiocarb) - nicotinoids and pyrethroids. Carbamates are less damaging for the environment than others, more biodegradable and less toxic for humans. Their great disadvantage is that insects can become resistant to them. Nicotinoid and pyrethroid insecticides, on the other hand, do not have any disadvantage with respect to resistance. Nicotinoids are applied particularly in horticulture, because they are safer for bees. Pyrethroids are the most commonly used, being characterised by their low toxicity towards mammals, although are toxic to bees and aquatic organisms.
Moreover, the researcher intensified the activity of the pyrethroids, including piperonyl butoxide (Pb) in the microencapsulation. This is a substance that increases the efficacy of this insecticide between 10 and 150 times. Within the study she also managed to encapsulate tebuconazole fungicide.
Partial microencapsulation.
Total microencapsulation of the biocide within the cavity of the CD molecules.
As regards microencapsulation itself, the researcher opted for cyclodextrine-type (CD) carbohydrates as an encapsulating agent. Carbohydrates have high aqueous solubility, little tendency to absorb humidity, a high average lifespan at ambient temperature and are low cost. Cyclodextrines, in concrete, are cyclical dextrines obtained from the partial hydrolysis of maize starch. Also, a yield greater than 99 % was obtained in the formation of microcapsules, on applying a method for dissolution with organic solvents optimised in the laboratory where the research was undertaken.
Less detectable for insects
As was concluded in the thesis, thanks to the micrometric size of the encapsulations obtained, the product has the advantage of being able to treat a greater surface area and being less detectable for insects. Moreover, thanks to the CD protecting the biocide, its toxicological profile is neutralised and its degradation through storage reduced. Besides, on enhancing the solubility of the compound (and thus it being possible to prepare the commercial product based on water) the use of petroleum-derived solvents is avoided, enabling the manufacture of products that are more environmentally-friendly. Finally, the difficulty arising in handling liquid biocides at ambient temperature is overcome with the formation itself of these microencapsulations.
Ms Alonso has been able to demonstrate in the laboratory the insecticide efficacy of the product against the household fly. This result acts as a basis for obtaining effective formulae which can be applied to various types of insects in general and to domestic flies in particular, both indoors and outdoors.
About the author
Ms Mariluz Alonso Alonso (Bilbao, 1978) is a Doctor of Chemical Sciences. She drew up her thesis under the direction of Ms Rosa María Alonso Rojas and Ms Rosa María Jiménez Sanz; professor and senior lecturer respectively at the Department of Chemical Analysis of the Science and Technology Faculty at the UPV/EHU. Ms Alonso is currently a member of the research personnel contracted at this department.
Photos: Mariluz Alonso
Intsektuei beste ezeri erasotzen ez dioten biozidak
Mikrokapsulatan sartuta, biozidak ez dira horren toxikoak ingurumenarentzat, substantziaren oskol-lanak egiten baitituzte. Hala azaldu du Mariluz Alonso kimikariak, UPV/EHUn defendatu duen tesian. Ikerketa horretan, zenbait biozida eta substantzia osagarrirekin egin du lan, baldintza jakin batzuk betetzen dituen mikrokapsulatua lortzeko. Ingurumenarekin bateragarria ez ezik, uretan disolbagarriagoa, langileentzat maneiagarriagoa, kontserbatzeko hobea eta intsektu hegalarien aurka eraginkorra behar du izan mikrokapsulatu horrek. Bere tesiaren izenburua da Microencapsulación de biocidas (Bioziden mikrokapsulazioa). Horretan oinarrituta, zenbait aldizkaritan argitaratu dizkiote idatziak, hala nola International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry izenekoan (Advantages of biocides-β-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes against active components du izenburu artikuluak).
Biozida arruntek dituzten gabeziak gainditzen dituen produktua lortzea izan du helburu ikertzaileak. Izan ere, ohiko produktuen profil toxikologikoak murriztu egiten du haiek erabiltzeko aukera. Gainera, uretan gaizki disolbatzen dira; haietako batzuek biskositate handia dutenez, maneiatzen zailak dira; eta askok sentsibilitate handia diote argiari eta tenperaturari. Lortutako produktuak bat egiten du ikertzaileak bilatutakoarekin, eta gainera, laborategiko entseguek erakutsi dute eraginkorra dela etxeko eulien aurka.
Ziklodestrina, agente kapsulatzailea
Intsektizida karbamatoak (bendiocarb izenekoa, zehazki), nikotinoideak eta piretroideak aukeratu ditu Alonsok produktua osatzeko. Karbamatoek ez diote beste batzuek adinako kalterik egiten ingurumenari, biodegradagarriagoak dira, eta gizakiarentzat ez dira horren toxikoak. Desabantaila handiena zera dute, intsektuek haiekiko erresistentzia gara dezaketela. Intsektizida nikotinoideek eta piretroideek, ordea, ez dute inongo eragozpenik erresistentziari dagokionez. Nikotinoideak baratzezaintzan baliatzen dituzte batez ere, erleentzat seguruagoak direlako. Oro har, piretroideak erabiltzen dira gehien; oso toxikotasun txikia eragiten diete ugaztunei, baina erleentzat eta uretako organismoentzat kaltegarriak dira.
Gainera, piretroideen jarduna biziagotu du ikertzaileak, mikrokapsulatuan piperonilo butoxidoa (Bp) gaineratuta. Substantzia horrek 10-150 aldiz areagotzen du intsektizidaren eraginkortasuna. Ikerketa osatzeko, tebukonazol fungizidaren kapsulazioa egitea ere lortu du.
Mikrokapsulazioari berari dagokionez, ikertzaileak ziklodestrina (CD) motako karbohidratoa aukeratu du eragile kapsulatzaile gisa. Karbohidratoek disolbagarritasun handia dute uretan, ez dute hezetasuna xurgatzeko joerarik, giro-tenperaturan luze irauten dute batez beste, eta merkeak dira. Ziklodestrinei dagokienez, arto-almidoiaren hidrolisi partzialetik abiatuta lortutako destrina ziklikoak dira. Bestalde, % 99tik gorako errendimendua lortu dute mikrokapsulen osatze-prozesuan. Horretarako, ikerketa-gune izan den laborategian bertan optimizatu duten disoluzio-metodo bat aplikatu dute, disolbatzaile organikoak baliatzen dituena.
Detektatzen zailagoa intsektuentzat
Tesian ondorioztatutakoren arabera, lortutako kapsulen tamaina mikrometrikoari esker, produktuak azalera handiagoa tratatu dezake, eta intsektuei zailagoa zaie hura detektatzea. Gainera, biozida babesten duen CDari esker, haren berezko izaera toxikologikoa neutralizatu egiten da, bai eta biltegiratuta dagoenean jasaten duen degradazioa murriztu ere. Gainera, konposatuaren disolbagarritasuna hobetu denez (eta, horrenbestez, produktu komertziala uretan presta daitekeenez), ez dira petroliotik eratorritako disolbagarriak erabili behar, eta, hala, ingurumenari kalte handiegirik eragiten ez dioten produktuak ekoitz daitezke. Azkenik, substantziak mikrokapsuletan bilduta daudenez, beste arazo handi bati egiten zaio aurre: biozida likidoak giro-tenperaturan maneiatu behar izateak dakartzan zailtasunei.
Alonsok laborategian bertan frogatu ahal izan duenez, lortutako produktua intsektizida eraginkorra da etxeko eulien aurka. Emaitza hori abiapuntutzat hartuta, intsektuei eta, zehazki, etxeko euliei barrualdean zein kanpoaldean aplikatzeko askotariko formulazio eraginkorrak lor daitezke.
Mariluz Alonso Alonso (Bilbo, 1978) Zientzia Kimikoetan doktorea da. Rosa Maria Alonso Rojas eta Rosa Maria Jimenez Sanzen zuzendaritzapean idatzi du tesia; UPV/EHUko Zientzia eta Teknologia Fakultateko Kimika Analitikoa Saileko katedraduna eta irakasle titularra dira, hurrenez hurren. Gaur egun, sail horretan bertan kontratatuko ikertzailea da Mariluz Alonso.