St. Francisville, Illinois, USA
June 8, 2011
AgriGold announced today the addition of 11 new positions and also an expansion region in Kansas, Western Missouri and Southwest Iowa in order to meet the growing demand for AgriGold products and services. The expansion will be completed by July 1 of this year.
This announcement marks the 11th region for the AgriGold brand that is currently providing corn seed products to growers across the Corn Belt. It will be made up of both new and existing territories.
“This is an exciting time for the AgriGold brand as both sales and field staffs are growing at a very rapid pace,” said Andy Montgomery, AgriGold’s National Sales Manager. “Today, farmers expect and demand a very high level of support from their seed provider. At AgriGold, we take pride in continuing the effort in meeting those needs and then going above and beyond with service and knowledge.”
“Growers continue to look for unique ways to increase the yield and profitability of their corn operations,” said John Kermicle, General Manager of AgriGold. “That is why we have been aggressively expanding over the past 10 years so more growers have the opportunity to experience the AgriGold GIANTS.”
AgriGold has developed, produced and sold hybrid seed corn since 1936, bringing corn growers genetics from the 4th largest breeding and research program in the United States. Pairing these world-class GENETICS with the superior knowledge of AGRONOMICS from our Corn Specialists, growers are achieving outstanding RESULTS in the field.
For more information about AgriGold Corn Specialists in your area or the GIANT results our growers are seeing, visit AgriGold Hybrids is a division of AgReliant Genetics, LLC.