Roskilde, Denmark
October 8, 2024
DLF Seeds A/S is proud to share that our Group CEO, Søren Halbye, has been appointed as the new President of Euroseeds, the leading organization representing the European seed sector. As the voice of the seed industry, Euroseeds represents over 30 national associations and thousands of seed businesses.
![Group CEO Søren Halbye Appointed as President of Euroseeds Association]( Co3/New image structure/News/2024/.com/10 October/Søren-HAlbye-3.JPG&width=1920)
This appointment comes at a critical time for the seeds and wider agricultural industry, as it faces complex challenges and opportunities that will shape its future for decades to come. In his acceptance speech, Søren expressed his gratitude for the trust placed in him by Euroseeds and its members. “It is a true honour to lead this organization at a time when the agricultural landscape is shifting dramatically. The role we play in advocating for the European seed sector has never been more important,” he stated.
Søren emphasized that this is a pivotal period for the sector, necessitating unified action to address challenges such as climate change, political and regulatory hurdles, and the need for sustainable agricultural practices.
Euroseeds will continue to engage proactively with European decision-makers to advocate for regulations that facilitate innovation and assist the industry in adapting to the changing environment. Key issues such as New Genetic Techniques (NGT) and the regulation of Plant Reproductive Material (PRM) will be priorities during his tenure.
Søren is committed to fostering an inclusive dialogue, uniting diverse interests, and leveraging collective knowledge to champion issues that matter most. He outlined a proactive approach, with one of the first initiatives being to bring the findings of previous advocacy workshops and membership engagement into action, focusing on defining the strategic priorities for the association.
As DLF Seeds supports Søren in this new role, we are confident that his leadership will enhance the sector’s level of collaboration and innovation.
DLF i spidsen for europæisk branche-organisation
Søren Halbye, adm. direktør i DLF er udnævnt til ny præsident for Euroseeds, der er brancheforeningen for den europæiske frøsektor. Udnævnelsen fandt sted på den årlige Euroseeds frøkongres, der i år blev afviklet i København.
Som præsiden for Euroseeds skal Søren Halbye blandt andet stå i spidsen for arbejdet med en ny frølovgivning, der vil sætte rammerne for frøets kvalitet, identitet og markedsføring i mange år frem.
Udnævnelsen kommer på et kritisk tidspunkt for frøsektoren og for landbruget som helhed.
”Den rolle, vi spiller som talerør for den europæiske frøsektor, har aldrig været vigtigere," udtaler Søren Halbye.
Nogle af de kommende udfordringer bliver at tackle klimaændringer, politiske og lovgivningsmæssige forhindringer under hensyntagen til behovet for en bæredygtig landbrugspraksis. Euroseeds engagerer sig proaktivt med europæiske beslutningstagere for at advokere for lovgivning, der letter innovation og hjælper industrien med at tilpasse sig klimaforandringerne – såsom regulering af nye genomteknikker (NGT) samt PRM-lovgivningen (Plant Reproductive Material), omkring produktion og markedsføring af frø og planter.
Om Euroseeds
Euroseeds er interesseorganisation for den europæiske frøsektor, der repræsenterer den sektor, der arbejder med forskning, forædling, produktion og markedsføring af frø fra landbrugs-, havebrugs- og prydplantearter.
Euroseeds repræsenterer mere end 30 nationale brancheforeninger fra både EU-medlemslande og andre lande, flere tusinde frøvirksomheder samt over 70 direkte virksomhedsmedlemmer, herunder frørelaterede virksomheder.