Frago, North Dakota, USA
January 12, 2024
The program will feature the latest information on variety selection, pest and weed management, and fertilization strategies for wheat.
Break out sessions on weed identification, herbicide injury symptoms and insect pest defoliators, will allow attendees to interact with presenters in a smaller group. (NDSU photo)
North Dakota State University has set the 2024 Best of the Best in Wheat Research and Marketing meeting in western North Dakota for Jan. 31 at the Grand Hotel in Minot, North Dakota.
The program begins at 8:30 a.m. Central Time and includes sessions on wheat variety selection, in-season nitrogen application for increased quality in durum, a scab fungicide update, current insect pest issues in wheat, wheat fertility recommendations, herbicide resistant weed update and a market outlook. The program will end at 3:30 p.m.
“We’re excited to bring producers this program which includes the latest information on variety selection, pest and weed management, and fertilization strategies in their wheat crop,” says Clair Keene, NDSU Extension small grain and corn agronomist. “We also have break out sessions on weed identification, herbicide injury symptoms and insect pest defoliators, which will allow attendees to interact with presenters in a smaller group.”
Brian Jenks, weed scientist at the North Central Research Extension Center in Minot will discuss herbicide resistance issues in common grass weeds and kochia.
“We’re seeing an increase in the occurrence of green foxtail and wild oat populations that are resistant to Group 1 and 2 herbicides,” says Jenks. “Unfortunately, we’re also finding some populations with resistance to both modes of action. We’ll also talk about kochia and what we are now seeing in regards to Group 14 (PPO inhibitor) resistance. We’ve been dealing with resistance to Groups 2, 4, and 9 in kochia for some time, but the developing resistance to Group 14 is going to change how we handle this weed.”
The final speaker on the agenda is Frayne Olson, Extension crops marketing specialist who will provide insight into current global and domestic factors influencing grain prices.
“We have a lot of big-picture things happening right now,” says Olson. “It’s always important for growers to understand what is driving the markets and things to consider as they put together their marketing plan for the up-coming year.”
Certified Crop Advisor Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) will be offered in the following categories: 0.5 nutrient management, 2.0 pest management, 1.0 crop management and 1.0 professional development.
The Best of the Best meeting is free to attend but registration is highly encouraged to help with lunch planning. Registration is available at:
This event is sponsored by the North Dakota Wheat Commission and North Dakota Grain Growers Association.