Guelph, Ontario, Canada
July 10, 2023
- Dual active ingredients – including the only Group 12 in a Sclerotinia fungicide – provide a long-lasting and comprehensive level of disease protection
- Earlier application window enables growers to spray earlier and cover more acres
- Commercially available in Western Canada for 2024
Syngenta Canada Inc. announced today the launch of Miravis® Star, a new fungicide that delivers the next level of Sclerotinia protection and application flexibility in canola.
Miravis® Star brings together two proven active ingredients. The first, ADEPIDYN®, is a Group 7 fungicide, that provides highly powerful, long-lasting, systemic protection. The second, Fludioxonil (Group 12) is one of the top-performing active ingredients against Sclerotinia, and offers effective, contact-based activity.
The combination of ADEPIDYN® and Fludioxonil also helps growers reduce their resistance risk.
“We know – above all else – yield performance is the key driver when deciding whether or not to apply a Sclerotinia fungicide,” says Jon Cressman, Product Lead, Fungicides and Insecticides, Syngenta Canada. “Miravis® Star is designed for canola growers who aren’t satisfied with the status quo, want to embrace new solutions, and push their crop’s performance.”
Cressman adds that Miravis® Star has been shown to perform consistently – even under high Sclerotinia disease pressure conditions.
Miravis® Star provides significant yield increases as compared to an untreated acre. In a series of small plot trials, Miravis® Star demonstrated a 23.7% yield advantage over untreated at the standard rate of 0.4 L/ac.1
Against competitor Sclerotinia fungicides, Miravis® Star provided an average 1.4 bu/ac advantage.2
Further field scale trials with Miravis® Star are being conducted on farms across Western Canada throughout 2023.
In addition to superior yield performance, Miravis® Star offers greater flexibility, with an application window of 10 to 50 percent flowering.
“Where other Sclerotinia fungicides are applied at 20 to 50 percent flowering, Miravis® Star allows growers to start spraying earlier and protect more acres,” says Carolyn Wilson, Technical Lead with Syngenta Canada. “This is a significant benefit, as factors like uncooperative weather conditions can have a major influence on a grower’s ability to apply their Sclerotinia fungicide where and when it is needed.”
Miravis® Star will be made commercially available in Western Canada for the 2024 growing season.
To learn more about Miravis® Star fungicide, visit