February 3, 2023
To: State and Territory Agricultural Regulatory Officials
On January 11, 2023, the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) released approximately 32 acres in Bingham County, Idaho from regulation for pale cyst nematode (PCN). APHIS released the fields because the fields have completed a release protocol comprised of a sequence of surveys with negative laboratory results for PCN, in accordance with 7 CFR §301.86, subpart 3(d)(2).
With this change, the current PCN regulated area is 6,535 acres, of which 3,542 acres are infested fields and 2,993 acres are associated fields. The infested fields are in an 8.5-mile radius that spans a portion of northern Bingham County and southern Bonneville County.
APHIS will follow up with a notice of this change to the regulated area in the Federal Register. The PCN-regulated areas are listed on the following website:
For additional information about the PCN program, please contact the National Policy Manager, Lynn Evans-Goldner, at (301) 851-2286.
Dr. Mark L Davidson
Deputy Administrator
Plant Protection and Quarantine