Alexandria, Virginia, USA
September 29, 2022
The American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) encourages farmers to plan ahead for cover crop seed orders.
“Recent drought conditions and global supply challenges have impacted cover crop seed growers, just like other farmers,” said ASTA President & CEO Andy LaVigne. “With temporary shortages of some varieties in certain locations, it’s important to plan proactively, as far in advance as possible, to ensure your local seed dealer has your selection in stock when and where you need it.”
To find local professional cover crop and conservation seed suppliers in your area, see ASTA’s Conservation, Environmental, and Cover Crop Seed Resource Guide. For information from ASTA and the Association of American Seed Control Officials (AASCO) about what to consider when making cover crop seed decisions, click here.
“It’s important to always buy seed from a professional seed dealer,” said LaVigne. “Professionally produced and processed seed has been selected, harvested, cleaned, analyzed and packaged for performance; and it’s been tested for purity and germination. All of this helps ensure farmers get the best quality seed to meet their production and sustainability goals, while minimizing the presence of invasive and other weeds.”