Westfield, Indiana, USA
August 9, 2022
New LG59C72STXRIB from LG Seeds is a 109-day hybrid featuring industry-leading tar spot tolerance and strong yield potential
LG Seeds will bring 19 new corn hybrids and 23 new soybean varieties to the market in 2023, with genetic and trait choices to help farmers combat diverse agronomic challenges.
Most of the new LG Seeds corn hybrids come from totally unique germplasm, giving farmers the opportunity for greater genetic diversity in their fields, says Kirsten Garriott, LG Seeds national agronomy manager.
“Farmers need diverse genetics to combat the varying disease, weather and pest challenges they face each year,” says Garriott. “Along with new genetics, we’re offering farmers more choices when it comes to insect protection and herbicide traits for their operations.” In addition to the new genetics, LG Seeds will deploy 10 new trait offerings across several of their already successful commercial products.
In 2023, LG Seeds will offer new SmartStax® Pro in its corn lineup, ideal for farmers fighting corn rootworm (CRW) resistance with older trait packages.
In addition, Vayantis® will be a standard seed treatment on all new LG Seeds corn hybrids. Vayantis® brings a new mode of action with upgraded Pythium control, giving farmers peace of mind and reducing the risk of Pythium-related seedling blight when planting into early, wet conditions.
Key corn products
These new LG Seeds corn hybrids have particularly broad appeal due to their relative maturity (RM), agronomic characteristics and trait packages:
- LG52C42, a high-performing, broadly adapted 102-day product being launched with both Roundup Ready® and VT Double PRO® RIB Complete® (VT2RIB) options. It moves south well for farmers who want an earlier corn in the 105 to 110 RM zone.
- LG59C72STXRIB features an already successful, unique germplasm package with industry-leading tar spot tolerance and strong CRW protection with SmartStax®. The hybrid’s 109-day RM fits the needs of farmers across the Corn Belt. Its tremendous yield potential allows farmers to push for record yields under high management.
- LG63C82DGVT2RIB is a showy, attractive corn with high yield and great grain quality. DroughtGuard® technology and strong root and stalk characteristics provide durability to help farmers mitigate stress. The hybrid is also available as VT Double PRO® (VT2PRO) for growing areas that require a structured refuge.
Soybean product highlights
The 23 new LG Seeds soybean products range from maturity groups (MG) 00 through 4, offering new germplasm and multiple trait choices.
“These new varieties bring yield and agronomic upgrades to our already robust XtendFlex® and Enlist E3® soybeans and to our conventional soybean portfolio,” Garriott says.
Key soybean varieties in the 2023 LG Seeds lineup are:
- LGS0660XF, the earliest new soybean variety from LG Seeds. Its tolerance to iron deficiency chlorosis (IDC) and Phytophthora root rot (PRR) fits the toughest acres. This Group 0 variety has the yield potential to also compete on the most productive farms.
- LGS2929E3, bringing a well-rounded agronomic package that performs well across a wide variety of acres. Strong emergence and PRR tolerance allow it to be planted into early, tough conditions.
- LGS3124E3, being offered for the second year with ramped-up production due to its excellent performance results. The variety performs well in both stressful and high-yielding environments, with the ability to handle different management practices and changing weather conditions.
“We believe farmers know their operations the best, and we’re here to partner with them with the expert seed knowledge and diverse product choice they need to succeed,” Garriott says. She encourages farmers to contact their LG Seeds representative or visit LGSeeds.com for more information on these new corn and soybean products.
LG Seeds is a dealer-driven national seed brand offering solid agronomic support, straightforward service, and consistent plant performance that yields. LG Seeds’ portfolio of broad trait choices and tailored genetics brings corn, soybean, sorghum, and alfalfa products to fit farmers’ performance goals. For more information visit LGSeeds.com and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
AgReliant Genetics offers unparalleled corn, soybean, sorghum, and alfalfa seed solutions to bolster the yield and profitability goals of growers across North America through product
brands – AgriGold® and LG Seeds in the U.S. and PRIDE® Seeds in Canada. AgReliant supplies diversified genetics to the market through access to a global germplasm pool in close collaboration with parent companies, KWS & Groupe Limagrain. The team takes pride in its seed innovations, personal connections, market responsiveness and investments in the communities they serve.
The LG Seeds Design is a registered trademark of AgReliant Genetics, LLC. ©2022 AgReliant Genetics, LLC.
Roundup Ready®, SmartStax®, VT Double PRO®, VT Double PRO® RIB Complete®, DroughtGuard® and XtendFlex® are registered trademarks of Bayer Group. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW IRM, WHERE APPLICABLE, GRAIN MARKETING AND ALL OTHER STEWARDSHIP PRACTICES AND PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. ©2022 Bayer Group. All rights reserved.
IMPORTANT IRM INFORMATION: RIB Complete® corn blend products do not require the planting of a structured refuge except in the Cotton-Growing Area where corn earworm is a significant pest. See the IRM/Grower Guide for additional information. Always read and follow IRM requirements. DroughtGard® Hybrids with RIB Complete® corn blend the refuge seed may not always contain DroughtGard® Hybrids trait.
Vayantis® is a trademark of the Syngenta Group Company.
SmartStax® PRO corn products will be commercially available for the 2022 growing season.
Enlist E3® is a registered trademark of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. The transgenic soybean event in Enlist E3® soybeans is jointly developed and owned by Corteva Agriscience and MS Technologies LLC.