United Kingdom
March 29, 2022

Group research and development manager at Tozer Seeds Dr Matthew Walker with crops which are being tested as part of the group’s research project with Bangor University’s Biocomposites Centre.
A more sustainable and eco-conscious method of treating vegetable seeds is the focus of a multi-partner research project involving one of the UK’s largest seed producers and Bangor University.
Tozer Seeds have linked up with the university’s Biocomposites Centre to develop alternative seed treatments which are aiming to control disease as well as improve suitable characteristics for germination and crop establishment.
The 18-month project, funded via the UK Government’s Farming Innovation Pathways programme, will see celery, parsnip, and coriander seeds treated with lasers and natural bioactive compounds.
The strategies are aiming to not only disinfect seeds of disease-causing pathogens, which can lead to large volumes of wasted crops, but improve the rate of germination, seeding establishment, growth rate, and crop yield.
Bangor University’s Biocomposites Centre has assisted the development of the proposed treatments, with an initial focus on optimising the strength of the bioactive compound and the power and treatment time of the laser.
The first round of testing and laboratory work is currently underway, with the most promising seed treatments to be evaluated by grower partners which form part of Surrey-based Tozer Seeds’ supply chain.
Producers Medwyn’s of Anglesey, G’s Group, and Strawsons will contribute to the initiative, providing industry knowledge and growing space.

Group research and development manager at Tozer Seeds Dr Matthew Walker showcases some of the seeds which will be treated with lasers and natural bioactive compounds by Bangor University’s Biocomposites Centre as part of the research project.
Group research and development manager at Tozer Seeds Dr Matthew Walker said:
“A plant is at its most vulnerable during the early stages of its development, and the application of an approved pesticide to the seed helps it through the germination process and can lead to a good seedling establishment and ultimately a higher crop yield.
“We are testing new methods of treating seeds, which can both improve plant growth and remove seed-borne diseases as well as having the potential to reduce our reliance on conventional pesticides.
“We look forward to working alongside Bangor University and the rest of our supply chain to ensure these innovations can be implemented across the board.”
The treating of seeds, often utilising pesticides, is a common practice in commercial agriculture due to its effectiveness in fending off early-stage diseases and insects.
While the research is focusing initially on three crops, it is expected that if the treatment is successful, it may also be applicable to other seeds.
As part of the project, Bangor University has also worked with Medwyn’s of Anglesey to gain access to additional research and development resources as part of the BEACON programme.
The initiative links Welsh universities with Welsh industry to develop a more sustainable Wales through the development of bio-focused products, services and technologies and is funded from the European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Government.
Director of Bangor University’s Biocomposites centre Dr Rob Elias said: “This is a project which needs every single link of the supply chain to pitch in; working alongside established industrial growers and producers to bring this to a reality is incredibly exciting.
“Increasing access to research and development for business is also really important for this sector, particularly in Wales, and we are thrilled to have helped support this through BEACON to further back the bioeconomy sector and local producers.

(L-R): Dr Matthew Walker, Chloe Jones, Jeremy Preston, and Grace Kuria from Tozer Seeds discuss the next steps forward for their research project to develop A more sustainable and eco-conscious method of treating vegetable seeds alongside Bangor University and industry partners.
“Identifying new methods of treating seeds will prove useful in the changing landscape of farming, as more resilient seeds will allow for a higher crop yield and growth rate.
“The work has the potential to help drive down production costs of crops over the long term and allow growers to get more usage out of their fields thanks to a reduced risk of environmental harm which stem from common commercial treatments.
“This means growers will be able to produce a greater quantity of vegetables in a smaller timeframe, which will also have the added benefit of reducing potential supply issues for shoppers.
“The information and industry knowledge Tozer Seeds and other partners is providing is vital to help ensure the research we undertake into these new treatments will not only be effective in the lab, but beneficial to the growers planting these crops in the first instance.”
For more information on Tozer Seeds, visit www.tozerseeds.com, and for more information on Bangor University’s Biocomposites centre, visit www.biocomposites.bangor.ac.uk.
Project trin hadau amgen yn anelu at ddyfodol mwy cynaliadwy
Dull mwy cynaliadwy ac eco-ymwybodol o drin hadau llysiau yw ffocws project ymchwil aml-bartner sy'n cynnwys un o gynhyrchwyr hadau mwyaf y Deyrnas Unedig a Phrifysgol Bangor.
Mae Tozer Seeds wedi cysylltu â Chanolfan Biogyfansoddion y brifysgol i ddatblygu triniaethau hadau amgen sydd â’r nod o reoli clefydau yn ogystal â gwella nodweddion addas ar gyfer egino a thyfu cnydau.
Bydd y project 18 mis, a ariennir drwy raglen Llwybrau Arloesi Ffermio Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig, yn gweld hadau seleri, pannas a choriander yn cael eu trin â l.aserau a chyfansoddion bioactif naturiol.
Nod y strategaethau yw nid yn unig diheintio hadau pathogenau sy'n achosi clefydau, a all arwain at lawer iawn o gnydau wedi'u gwastraffu, ond gwella cyfradd egino, sefydlu hadu, cyfradd twf, a chynnyrch cnydau.
Mae Canolfan Biogyfansoddion Prifysgol Bangor wedi cynorthwyo â datblygu’r triniaethau arfaethedig, gyda ffocws cychwynnol ar wella cryfder y cyfansoddyn bioactif a phŵer ac amser triniaeth y laser.
Mae'r rownd gyntaf o brofion a gwaith labordy ar y gweill ar hyn o bryd, gyda'r triniaethau hadau mwyaf addawol i'w gwerthuso gan bartneriaid-dyfwyr sy'n rhan o gadwyn gyflenwi Tozer Seeds o Surrey.
Bydd y cynhyrchwyr Medwyn's of Anglesey, G's Group, a Strawsons yn cyfrannu at y fenter, gan ddarparu gwybodaeth am y diwydiant a gofod tyfu.
Dywedodd Dr Matthew Walker, rheolwr ymchwil a datblygu’r grŵp yn Tozer Seeds:
“Mae planhigyn ar ei fwyaf bregus yn ystod camau cynnar ei ddatblygiad, ac mae rhoi plaladdwr cymeradwy ar yr hedyn yn ei helpu trwy’r broses egino a gall arwain at sefydlu eginblanhigion da ac yn y pen draw at gynhyrchu mwy o gnwd.
“Rydym yn profi dulliau newydd o drin hadau, a all wella twf planhigion a chael gwared ar glefydau a gludir gan hadau yn ogystal â’r potensial i leihau ein dibyniaeth ar blaladdwyr confensiynol.
“Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at weithio ochr yn ochr â Phrifysgol Bangor a gweddill ein cadwyn gyflenwi i sicrhau y gellir gweithredu’r datblygiadau arloesol hyn yn gyffredinol.”
Mae trin hadau, gan ddefnyddio plaladdwyr yn aml, yn arfer cyffredin mewn amaethyddiaeth fasnachol oherwydd ei effeithiolrwydd wrth warchod rhag glefydau a phryfed yn y cyfnod cynnar.
Er bod yr ymchwil yn canolbwyntio i ddechrau ar dri chnwd, disgwylir, os bydd y driniaeth yn llwyddiannus, y gallai hefyd fod yn berthnasol i hadau eraill.
Fel rhan o'r project, mae Prifysgol Bangor hefyd wedi gweithio gyda ‘Medwyn's of Anglesey’ i gael mynediad at adnoddau ymchwil a datblygu ychwanegol fel rhan o raglen BEACON.
Mae’r fenter yn cysylltu prifysgolion Cymru â diwydiannau yng Nghymru i ddatblygu Cymru fwy cynaliadwy drwy ddatblygu cynhyrchion, gwasanaethau a thechnolegau bio-ffocws ac fe’i hariennir gan Gronfa Datblygu Rhanbarthol Ewrop drwy Lywodraeth Cymru.
Dywedodd Dr Rob Elias, Canolfan Biogyfansoddion Prifysgol Bangor: “Mae hwn yn broject y mae angen i bob cyswllt unigol o'r gadwyn gyflenwi gyfrannu ato; mae gweithio ochr yn ochr â thyfwyr a chynhyrchwyr diwydiannol sefydledig i wireddu hyn yn hynod gyffrous.
“Mae cynyddu mynediad at ymchwil a datblygu ar gyfer busnes hefyd yn bwysig iawn i’r sector hwn, yn enwedig yng Nghymru, ac rydym wrth ein bodd ein bod wedi helpu i gefnogi hyn drwy BEACON i gefnogi’r sector bioeconomi a chynhyrchwyr lleol ymhellach.
“Bydd adnabod dulliau newydd o drin hadau yn ddefnyddiol yn nhirwedd cyfnewidiol ffermio, gan y bydd hadau mwy gwydn yn rhoi mwy o gnydau ac yn cynyddu’r cyfradd twf.
“Mae potensial i’r gwaith helpu i leihau costau cynhyrchu cnydau dros y tymor hir a chaniatáu i dyfwyr gael mwy o ddefnydd o’u caeau diolch i lai o risg o niwed amgylcheddol sy’n deillio o driniaethau masnachol cyffredin.
“Mae hyn yn golygu y bydd tyfwyr yn gallu cynhyrchu mwy o lysiau o fewn amserlen lai, a fydd hefyd yn rhoi’r fantais ychwanegol o leihau problemau cyflenwad posibl i siopwyr.
“Mae’r wybodaeth am y diwydiant y mae Tozer Seeds a phartneriaid eraill yn ei rhoi yn hanfodol i helpu i sicrhau y bydd yr ymchwil a wnawn i’r triniaethau newydd hyn nid yn unig yn effeithiol yn y labordy, ond hefyd yn fuddiol i’r tyfwyr sy’n plannu’r cnydau hyn yn y lle cyntaf.”
I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am Tozer Seeds, ewch i www.tozerseeds.com, ac am ragor o wybodaeth am Ganolfan Biogyfansoddion Prifysgol Bangor, ewch i www.biocomposites.bangor.ac.uk.