Logan, Utah, USA
December 3, 2021
HarvestMaster™ and SCiO® are excited to announce a partnership that will see SCiO’s industry-leading NIR technology incorporated into HarvestMaster’s on-combine GrainGage™ weigh systems for seed research.
Based on the same technology found in SCiO’s revolutionary SCiO Cup material sensing platform, HarvestMaster’s NIR-equipped GrainGages will provide accurate moisture, protein, and oil predictions at the time of harvest. Producers and researchers no longer have to bag samples and ship them to facilities with benchtop NIR units to gather this data.
“Integrating SCiO’s NIR technology into our GrainGages is a huge step forward in seed research,” said Ray Newman, HarvestMaster Product Manager. “This is arguably the single biggest advancement our GrainGage has ever seen, the real-time data provided in the field during harvest will drastically improve efficiency and be an invaluable asset to the future of the industry.”
“We’re excited to partner with SCiO and offer this technology at a low cost compared to other on-combine NIR options. This partnership will provide lasting benefits and make the upgraded H2 GrainGage, new H3, and future HarvestMaster GrainGages essential tools for harvest data collection.”
SCiO’s NIR technology is backed by ready-to-use calibrations and data models for a large variety of crops. This technology also allows for custom calibrations and models to be created to meet research needs.
“SCiO portable units are being used by thousands of users in the field today to analyze seeds and grains,” said Damian Goldring, CTO and co-founder of Consumer Physics. “This new partnership with HarvestMaster introduces a ground-breaking product for seed and grain analysis on combine. It not only saves time and money, it brings research to a whole new level by generating a lot more data and making it available in real time.”
“As the market requires the food industry to find solutions for sustainability, this new product can help speed up the next generations of seeds.”
HarvestMaster’s NIR-equipped GrainGage will be on demo at the American Seed Trade Association’s 2021 CSS and Seed Expo in Chicago, IL. December 6th – December 9th.
About HarvestMaster™
Founded in 1993, the HarvestMaster brand is an industry leader in seed research. Our products include GrainGages, Mirus Harvest Software, and other forward-thinking and innovative technologies in the world of agriculture, seed research, and crop management.
HarvestMaster is a brand of Juniper Systems, Inc. Juniper Systems is a leading manufacturer of ultra-rugged tablets, handheld computers, GPS receivers, and field computing solutions. Based in Logan, UT, Juniper Systems employs more than 170 people. It was twice recognized as one of the fastest-growing companies in the Beehive State.
HarvestMaster website: www.harvestmaster.com.
About SCiO™ by Consumer Physics
Consumer Physics Inc. was founded in 2011 by a team of scientists and subject matter experts. The company developed SCiO, the world’s first pocket-sized connected microspectrometer. Utilizing the latest optical, algorithmic, and computer technologies, the company has taken the traditional NIR Spectrometer and miniaturized it into SCiO. Agriculture businesses around the world have successfully integrated SCiO to improve the way they grow crops and harvest them, handle quality control, monitor trends and performance through a powerful connected ecosystem.
Consumer Physics website: www.consumerphysics.com