Ames, Iowa, USA
September 23, 2021
The Graduate Program in Seed Technology and Business (STB), housed at the Iowa State University (ISU) Seed Science Center (SSC), is sponsoring a free week of webinars addressing current special topics in seed systems, science, and technology. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the decision was made to cancel the annual STB on-campus short course in Seed Science and Technology. While this means the popular weeklong short course won’t be conducted in person, the program leaders decided to create these live, interactive webinars for seed industry professionals. The best part – it is all completely free of charge and you don’t have to be an enrolled ISU student to participate.
“It’s much more challenging now to offer in-person workshops, but we really didn’t want to lose the chance to continue with educational opportunities for the industry,” said Professor Gary Munkvold, STB Program Director. “We had great success with this webinar series in 2020 and wanted to continue this free offering for all seed industry professionals in 2021.”
The webinar sessions are being facilitated by some of the industry’s most respected seed experts and scientists. The webinar sessions topics include: factors to consider when choosing vigor test methods; seed treatments for crop protection and health; optical sorting technology review; gene editing; robotic sensing for plant phenotyping; and effect of seed size on emergence and yield of corn.
“We have a nice mixture of seed industry scientists and Seed Science Center faculty and staff; all have extensive experience in one or more aspects of seed technology that are important to the industry today.” Munkvold said. “The sessions differ in their focus, so each one might appeal to a different segment of seed professionals, depending on their current job and goals.”
STB program leaders say they hope to be back next year to continue the on-campus, hands-on short course, but until then they invite anyone interested to join virtually starting at 11:00 am (CST), Monday, October 25, and continuing through Friday, October 29, 2021. Please see the complete schedule of virtual webinar sessions below, or on the STB website at
“You only need to register once to have access to the entire week of incredible sessions, with industry-renowned seed science and technology experts” said Lori Youngberg, STB Program Coordinator. “We are really excited about bringing seed industry professionals together for these webinars and look forward to “seeing” everyone in October.”
About the Seed Science Center: The Seed Science Center at Iowa State is a center of excellence nationally and internationally in seed research, education, technology transfer and international seed programs.