September 10, 2021
RFP NUMBER: CSP_DSQA_2021_002_ Decentralized Seed Quality Assurance
The Collaborative Seed Programme (CSP) brings together Nigerian and Dutch seed sector stakeholders with the aim to enhance the performance of the Nigerian seed sector. It takes a systemic approach for sustainably addressing key challenges in the seed sector. CSP contributes to the vision of the National Seed Road Map (NSRM) of Nigeria being that the seed sector becomes more competitive, resilient, profitable, innovative and adaptive, sustainable, inclusive, resistant and transparent. The programme focuses on 8 CSP Topics drawn from 22 Strategic Innovation Pathways (SIPs) of the NSRM.
The CSP is governed by a Steering Committee including representatives of key stakeholders in the seed sector in Nigeria and the Netherlands. The Steering Committee provides strategic oversight and guidance to the programme, and ensure that the CSP fosters the development of the agricultural sector in Nigeria and is aligned with other initiatives and networks.
As part of its core objectives in enhancing the capacity of the seed sector to provide high quality, inclusive and differentiated services to seed producers and seed value chain actors and also to institutionalize the decentralization of seed quality assurance systems for key food and nutrition security crops established and its operation, the National Agricultural Seeds Council (NASC) is hereby requesting for the services of a qualified consultant to carry out the assignment and deliver on the deliverables as specified in the Terms of Reference.
Offer Deadline and Protocol:
The expression must be received no later than 16:00, West African Time (WAT), on Monday, 20 September 2021. The expression must be submitted by email to
Please reference the RFP number in any response to this RFP. Offers received after the specified time and date will be considered late and will be considered only at the discretion of NASC.
Questions: Questions regarding the technical or administrative requirements of this RFP may be submitted no later than 16:00 West African Time (WAT) on Wednesday, 15 September 2021 by email to Mr Osho-Lagunju Bankole at Questions must be submitted in writing; phone calls will not be accepted. Questions and requests for clarification—and the responses thereto—that NASC believes may be of interest to other offerors will be circulated to all consultants who have indicated an interest through submission of expression
Click on the link to download the Request for Proposal CSP_DSQA_2021_002_ Decentralized Seed Quality Assurance