The Netherlands
May 10, 2021
As of this week, the first ‘Phytorich Powerful Tomatoes’ are available at Dutch supermarket chain DEEN. After a period of successful experimentation, grower Duijvestijn is harvesting the special tomatoes this year for the large-scale introduction.
“Phytorich Powerful Tomatoes stand out because of the unique combination of rich lycopene and the umami taste experience. With that, DEEN offers its customers a unique fresh product” says Nico Duijvestijn, owner of greenhouse Duijvestijn.
Thedo Vos, Category Manager AGF at DEEN supermarkets adds: “Customers make more healthy choices, are more aware of the added value of ingredients in fresh fruit and vegetables and increasingly prefer fresh products that are locally grown. With Phytorich Powerful Tomatoes, we are responding to these needs.”
Characteristics Powerful Tomatoes 💪 🍅
The new tomato variety, which is marketed on a consumer level as ‘Phytorich Powerful Tomatoes’, officially carries the variety name ‘Gochiso PR7 F1’. The plum tomato with a characteristic deep red colour comes from the Phytorich program of breeder Takii. Phytorich is an extensive range of flavourful vegetables, each containing exceptionally high levels of phytonutrients; natural components produced by plants with tremendous health potential. The Powerful Tomatoes from the concept are extra high in lycopene. The richness of lycopene goes hand in hand with a very high level of glutamic acid, a compound that triggers the characteristic “umami” taste.