West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
October 8, 2020
![Robert Walters](https://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E03AQGzrv8BWM2LlQ/profile-displayphoto-shrink_200_200/0?e=1607558400&v=beta&t=_yzXxZjFTx5JOA3adxoaSpw5vuvPAwub55arfdBSNf8)
FieldWatch, Inc., a non-profit company that promotes improved communication and stewardship among crop producers, beekeepers and pesticide applicators, announced that effective Oct. 1, 2020, Bob Walters has accepted the role of Chief Executive Officer.
Walters has been FieldWatch’s Director of Business Development since joining the company in 2016. He replaces Stephanie Regagnon who has taken a leadership role at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center.
“Bob has been instrumental in the growth and development of FieldWatch as we have expanded to 22 states and one Canadian Province,” said Patrick Jones, Board of Directors Chairman at FieldWatch. “Bob’s track record and deep understanding of agriculture make him the ideal candidate to continue advancing FieldWatch’s mission.”
Over the past 12 years, FieldWatch’s online registries have grown to include 37,600 users and 45,000 crop and apiary sites. These free mapping tools – which are compatible and can be easily integrated into many technology platforms used in agriculture – enable crop producers, beekeepers and pesticide applicators to work together to protect specialty crops, row crops and apiaries.
“FieldWatch provides value across the entire agriculture value chain and I look forward to continuing our mission, expanding our footprint to more states and providing innovative solutions to our stakeholders,” said Bob Walters, CEO, FieldWatch.
The FieldWatch registries include DriftWatch® Specialty Crop Site, BeeCheck® Apiary Registry and CropCheck® Row Crop Registry, a former pilot program made permanent for the 2020 growing season that enables voluntary communication between applicators and growers of corn, soybeans, rice and cotton. Two recent additions are FieldCheck®, a one-stop-shop for applicators to access grower and apiary locations in order to make the most informed and up-to-date decisions, and SeedFieldCheck™, a pilot program based in Iowa that communicates the presence of seed field workers to pesticide applicators.
About FieldWatch:
FieldWatch is a non-profit company whose mission is to develop and provide easy-to-use, reliable, accurate and secure online mapping tools intended to enhance communications that promote awareness and stewardship activities between crop producers, beekeepers and pesticide applicators.
For more information about FieldWatch or its online registries, DriftWatch, BeeCheck, CropCheck, FieldCheck and SeedFieldCheck, go to http://www.FieldWatch.com.