Davis, California, USA
July 1, 2019
The fifth class of the UC Davis European Plant Breeding AcademySM (PBA) graduated last week with a final session in Davis, California. In the following locations, six 6-day sessions were held over the last two years:
Enkhuizen, The Netherlands; Angers, France; Gatersleben, Germany; Gent, Belgium; Almeria, Spain; and UC Davis. Twenty participants spent more than 300 hours in classes, workshops and the field working towards completion of this premier training program.
UC Davis European Plant Breeding Academy Class V participants
- Rami Abu Mousa, Oula for Seeds Production, Jordan
- Maria Berenguer Rivero, Semillas Fito, Spain
- Alexandra Bothe, Norddeutsche Pflanzenzucht Hans-Georg Lembke KG, Germany
- Richard Fages, HM Clause, France
- Pablo Fernandez, Syngenta, Spain
- Benoît Foucault, KWS, France
- Darryn Gibson, Progeny, USA
- Rotem Hasson, BASF, Israel
- Juan Manuel Herrera, Agroscope, Swizterland
- Kadir Kaman, Syngenta, Turkey
- Edina Eva Kare, LS Plant Breeding, United Kingdom
- Cédric Lefaix, HM Clause Iberica SA, Spain
- Sina Möller, Deutsche Saatveredelung AG, Germany
- Stephanie Mueller, KWS, Germany
- Mihaela Patrascoiu, Maïsadour Semences, Romania
- Edouard Penez, Saaten-Union Recherche, France
- Enrique Ramos, Syngenta, Spain
- Philipp Schulze, Royal Berries, Spain
- Ahmet Sirri Sensoy, Semillas Fito, Turkey
- Gregor Welna, Norddeutsche Pflanzenzucht Hans-Georg Lembke KG, Germany
Offered in the USA, Europe, Asia and Africa, the UC Davis PBA is a premium professional development program is designed to augment and enhance the skills of industry personnel around the world, enabling them to become independent plant breeders or to contribute to larger breeding programs. Seventeen classes offered worldwide since 2006 were attended by 333 breeders from 66 countries, making the UC Davis PBA the most recognized program of its kind.
The next class of the European Plant Breeding AcademySM starts in October 2019
The class is nearly full, but applications are still being accepted for a few remaining spots
Learn more and apply online @ http://pba.ucdavis.edu/PBA_in_Europe/PBA_in_Europe_Class_VI/
For more information on the Plant Breeding Academy, please contact Joy Patterson at jpatterson@ucdavis.edu or visit http://pba.ucdavis.edu
UC Davis Plant Breeding Academy starts the sixth European class in October of 2019
Learn more and apply online @ http://pba.ucdavis.edu/PBA_in_Europe/PBA_in_Europe_Class_VI/
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The Seed Biotechnology Center was established at UC Davis in 1999 to mobilize the research, educational and outreach resources of the University of California in partnership with the seed and biotechnology industries, and to facilitate discovery and commercialization of new seed technologies for agricultural and consumer benefits