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September 16, 2024
ThermoSem: Saatgutbehandlung ohne Chemie (Der Schweizer Bauer)
September 13, 2024
Novel techniques identify drought-tolerant roots
Is nitrogen important to soybean protein content?
September 12, 2024
Effective CRISPR RNAs selection leads to less off-target edits
Corn-shaped seed pellets to boost habitat for monarchs, bees
Bee antidote to deadly pesticides shows promise
September 10, 2024
Nieuwe zaadcoatings die volledig biologisch afbreekbaar zijn (Groentennieuws)
Precision sensors: an innovative future for agriculture - At the North Carolina Plant Sciences Initiative, NC State researchers are advancing sensor technology to help farmers face challenges such as emerging plant diseases and climate change
Phenomics to improve disease management and resistance breeding
BASF introduces Surtain Herbicide, a residual herbicide for eastern Canadian field corn growers
September 6, 2024
New herbicides, cultivation alternatives for rice farmers - Field day at the Rice Experiment Station in Biggs, California offers solutions amid low prices, fallow land
Cómo aumentar los rendimientos en trigo con fertilización nitrogenada
Visuelle Bestimmung des TS-Gehaltes bei Mais
Tips til at få græsmarken godt igennem vinteren
September 5, 2024
Detect viruses at lightning speed with raman spectroscopy Razendsnel virussen opsporen met raman spectroscopie
Découverte d’un gène d’immunité face à une maladie ravageant les cultures de riz et de blé
Phenomics – the link between crop genetics and performance
American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) promotes safe handling and storage of treated seed during harvest
September 4, 2024
Climate-smart agriculture can help California farmers
September 3, 2024
Tips voor grasland in het najaar
Italy - Sensors on tomato plants to reduce water consumption (Tomato News)
How are sensors revolutionizing tomato farming practices? (Tomato News)
Gewinn durch mehrjährige Blühflächen und Spätsommeransaat - Darum funktioniert die späte Saat oft besser (BW Agrar)
Soluções de agricultura digital e para o manejo de pragas são os destaques da Syngenta para o 14º Congresso Brasileiro do Algodão
Cómo las rotaciones de cultivos mejoran la resiliencia agrícola - Un nuevo estudio, apoyado por CIMMYT y proyectos como MasAgro-Cultivos para México y Excelencia en Agronomía, subraya los beneficios de implementar rotaciones más diversas en diferentes condiciones de cultivo
Ontdek de voordelen van Hyvido gerstrassen bij late zaai
Grower discovers how Syngenta's Miravis Duo fungicide protects peanut yield
September 2, 2024
Manque de fourrage : testez les orges Hyvido de Syngenta et adoptez l’option 3 en 1
Harnessing genetic potential: Double haploid plants accelerating plant breeding
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