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November 4, 2015
New paths ahead for agricultural research (by CIMMYT Director General Martin Kropff)
ISAAA Pocket K No. 51: Coexistence of Biotech and Non-biotech Crops
October 29, 2015
Patents fail to boost crop yields (SciDev.Net)
Argentina may have figured out how to get GMOs right (Wired)
October 27, 2015
CIMMYT Director General Martin Kropff’s 100 day perspective
Tempo de consolidação na área de agroquímicos e sementes
October 26, 2015
CRISPR may redefine what it means to be GMO
October 23, 2015
Importância da pesquisa em controle biológico natural é defendida como segurança nacional
New GMO techniques may circumvent regulation, but not fears (MIT Technology Review)
October 20, 2015
Pirataria de Sementes de Soja
October 19, 2015
Agriculture: a $2.4 trillion industry worth protecting (CropLife International)
October 16, 2015
How I brought back change from the 2015 Youth Ag Summit
October 14, 2015
FAO and France urge including agriculture in global climate change debate - More targeted policies and investments needed to adapt agriculture to the impacts of climate change
October 13, 2015
Book celebrates maize “secret scientists” on International Day of Rural Women
Standing up for science - Smear campaigns against those speaking out against scaremongering on genetically modified crops highlight why support for scientists involved in public outreach is so important (Nature Biotechnology)
October 12, 2015
Global conference underscores complex socio-economic role of wheat
Committee on World Food Security focuses on SDGs, youth and protracted crises - FAO’s Director-General welcomes delegates to first international meeting since agreement on Sustainable Development Goals
October 6, 2015
25 years of international exchange of plant genetic resources: why the multilateral system needs a global management? (The Crop Trust)
September 29, 2015
Brasil - Problema de resistência a herbicidas passa por desinformação de técnicos e produtores
CropLife International statement: Endocrine Society disregards state of science around chemical exposures
September 28, 2015
Crop protection regulation protects humans and the environment - Products should not be characterized as endocrine disruptors based on hazard alon
September 25, 2015
HarvestPlus director offers panacea for micronutrient deficiencies
September 15, 2015
The genetic innovation that kept the world from starving (no, it’s not GMOs) (Genetic Literacy Project)
September 11, 2015
Agricultural biodiversity - Banks for bean counters - The wild ancestors of the world’s most important crops could help avert devastating problems. But time is running out to collect them (The Economist)
September 7, 2015
The facts about herbicide safe use history
September 3, 2015
Rejection of GM crops is not a failure for science (Nature)
September 2, 2015
Youth Ag-Summit in Canberra, Australia - Making a difference: tomorrow’s agriculture leaders finalise declaration for UN Committee on World Food Security Jugend-Agrargipfel "Youth-Ag Summit" in Canberra, Australien: Junge Vordenker verabschieden gemeinsame Erklärung an den UN-Ausschuss für Welternährungssicherheit
September 1, 2015
Eight countries to sharpen long-term climate change adaptation strategies - FAO and UNDP join forces under German-funded initiative to raise profile of agriculture in climate change planning
August 31, 2015
Food in a future of 10 billion (Agriculture & Food Security)
IP in Ag Innovation Series: Without this, there'd be no biotech crops
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12 books on plant breeding, classic, modern and fun
12 livres sur l'amélioration des plantes : classiques, modernes et amusants
The Triumph of Seeds
How Grains, Nuts, Kernels, Pulses, and Pips Conquered the Plant Kingdom and Shaped Human History
By Thor Hanson Basic Books
Hybrid The History and Science of Plant Breeding Noel Kingsbury The University of Chicago Press
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