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January 8, 2017
México - Necesario, avanzar en el mejoramiento de las semillas: Sagarpa (La Crónica de Hoy)
January 5, 2017
What the experts are saying about plant phenotyping and food security
December 29, 2016
AgriBusiness global - The path ahead for mergers & acquisitions
December 21, 2016
From US to India, producers are developing 'open source' seeds to combat patents (Scroll)
December 20, 2016
Saving seeds, as anti-GMO activists demand, preserves unproductive farming, locks in poverty (Genetic Literacy Project)
December 13, 2016
How “open source” seed producers from the US to India are changing global food production (Ensia)
New CAST report and literature review looks at the impact of asynchronous approvals for biotech crops on trade and innovation.
December 6, 2016
World Soil Day hails symbiotic role of pulses to boost sustainable agriculture - New report explores how nitrogen-fixing plants enhance nutritious diets, carbon sequestration and soil fertility
December 5, 2016
Wheat rust poses food security risk for global poor, says Britain’s international development secretary Priti Patel
December 4, 2016
Argentina - Changes suggested to the seed and phytogenetic plant breeding law (Mondaq)
December 2, 2016
Argentina - Coninagro, frente a la nueva Ley de Semillas, plantea un cambio en la forma de producir granos (Terra Argentina)
December 1, 2016
A new global research agenda for food (Nature)
Ronnie Coffman, vice-chair of the Borlaug Global Rust Initiative, speaks on agrobiodiversity in India
November 30, 2016
World's horticultural scientists hear growing vegetables not rice is key to ending hunger and poverty (ABC)
November 28, 2016
Argentina - Ley de semillas: sin pena ni gloria en el Congreso (El Litoral)
November 27, 2016
Argentina - Ley de semillas, en discusión (La Nacion)
November 25, 2016
Estudo aponta prioridades de políticas públicas para preservar polinizadores em nível mundial - Iniciativa resultou na publicação de artigo divulgado na edição online da revista Science
November 24, 2016
Los cultivos transgénicos SÍ aumentan los rendimientos agrícolas (Chile Bio)
November 22, 2016
Você sabe como legalizar sua semente salva? (Soja Brasil)
Keeping the focus on grain pulses - FAO dialogue explores nutritional, environmental and economic virtues of growing lentils and beans
November 20, 2016
Meet the scientists solving the world’s greatest challenges (CropLife International)
November 17, 2016
New ISAAA video presents impact of GM crops on adopting and importing countries
November 16, 2016
Top 10 jobs in plant science (CropLife International)
November 15, 2016
What inspires you about plant science? (CropLife International)
November 13, 2016
Colombia debe empezar a investigar las semillas para mejorar (Perú)
November 9, 2016
Break down barriers between seed banks and field study (SciDev.Net)
November 7, 2016
Sustainable agriculture deserves center stage at Marrakech climate talks (Thomson Reuters Foundation)
November 3, 2016
Public initiatives key to harnessing genetic diversity for food security, says genetic resources expert
November 1, 2016
2016: the year of big changes in agriculture (CropLife)
October 19, 2016
Agriculture has big role to play in curbing greenhouse gas emissions - Rapid action needed to put smallholders and food systems on sustainable paths
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12 books on plant breeding, classic, modern and fun
12 livres sur l'amélioration des plantes : classiques, modernes et amusants
The Triumph of Seeds
How Grains, Nuts, Kernels, Pulses, and Pips Conquered the Plant Kingdom and Shaped Human History
By Thor Hanson Basic Books
Hybrid The History and Science of Plant Breeding Noel Kingsbury The University of Chicago Press
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