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February 20, 2019
Consolidation in Floriculture Breeding
SEARCA BIC policy brief highlights global scientific consensus on the safety of GMO technology
February 19, 2019
Infographic: Are genetically engineered crops less safe than classically-bred food? (Genetic Literacy Poject)
February 18, 2019
Argentina no autorizó ninguna colza OGM ni se han realizado ensayos a campo con este tipo de materiales Argentina denies any responsibility in the GMO rapeseed case
February 11, 2019
Pirataria e o futuro do mercado de sementes no Brasil
Paraguay - “Nuestras semillas nos hacen libres” (InfoRegion)
February 8, 2019
Meet the role models for the next generation of women and girls in science
February 7, 2019
Painel durante Show Rural discute o futuro do mercado da semente no Brasil
February 6, 2019
A very small number of crops are dominating globally - That's bad news for sustainable agriculture
Prehistoric food globalization spanned three millennia - Peasant farmers began transforming diets across the OId World 7,000 years ago, study finds
Ag technology: the next wave of consolidation
February 5, 2019
Colombia - El sector agro pierde más de $1 billón al año por uso de semillas piratas (Agronegocios)
Achieving sustainable agriculture requires an integrated approach - FAO launches comprehensive publication that points the way to how we can improve our food systems
February 4, 2019
Cambio climático exige a México fortalecer genética de sus semillas de maíz (Contacto Hoy)
January 29, 2019
The read on seed: what's next for suppliers after mega-mergers? (CropLife)
January 27, 2019
Hoduras - Certificación de semillas: Fomenta la productividad y competitividad en la agricultura (La Tribuna)
January 24, 2019
Le roi des fèves - Grâce à des années de collecte de spécimens de haricots issus du monde entier, un ingénieur a constitué, en Colombie, une gigantesque banque de semences (Courrier international)
January 18, 2019
Argentina - H. Huergo: No company will release new soybean technologies in this IPR framework (eFarmNews)
New report calls for urgent diet and food system changes to sustainably feed world
January 14, 2019
Verdant Partners presents its Agribusiness M&A and Investment Review 2019
January 13, 2019
Argentina - El mejoramiento y la Ley de Semillas - Desde los avances en algodón y el desafío del HLB hasta los 7 millones de pesos invertidos en proyectos de nuevas empresas (Clarín)
The sobering details behind the latest seed monopoly chart (Civil Eats)
January 11, 2019
Merger wave: effect on crop seed prices (All about feed)
January 7, 2019
World Bank launches global analysis of climate-smart agriculture in 33 countries - Most comprehensive climate-smart agriculture study to date charts strengths, weaknesses and barriers to adoption in effort to unlock investment
Bayer Crop Science R&D pipeline: toward tailored solutions for farmers around the world
January 2, 2019
What’s new in the world seed market?
December 30, 2018
Creating a Sustainable Food Future - Sustainably feeding nearly 10 billion people by 2050 is possible – but it will require significant innovation and investment by the public and private sector (World Resources Institute)
December 21, 2018
México - Piratería de semillas (Linea Directa)
The evolution of organic farming in the 21st century
Global initiative announced to protect world’s plants from pests
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12 books on plant breeding, classic, modern and fun
12 livres sur l'amélioration des plantes : classiques, modernes et amusants
The Triumph of Seeds
How Grains, Nuts, Kernels, Pulses, and Pips Conquered the Plant Kingdom and Shaped Human History
By Thor Hanson Basic Books
Hybrid The History and Science of Plant Breeding Noel Kingsbury The University of Chicago Press
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