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November 14, 2019
New tool to help local crop varieties flourish - FAO publishes Voluntary Guidelines for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Farmers Varieties/Landraces
November 12, 2019
IV Encontro da Cadeia Produtiva do Trigo discute cenário para o grão
APBREBES report from the 2019 UPOV Session
November 11, 2019
Global treaty critical for saving disappearing plants amid climate change - FAO calls for greater support for plant genepool and the Fund which support millions of farmers around the world
International Seed Federation urges adoption of consistent, science-based policies to support sustainable agriculture
November 8, 2019
The Plant Treaty: Q&A with Crop Trust Director of Science, Luigi Guarino
November 6, 2019
Jovens líderes propõem soluções para alimentar um planeta faminto
November 4, 2019
Argentina - Aporte académico al debate de la Ley de Semillas (El Litoral)
October 31, 2019
Velu Govindan is mainstreaming zinc to combat hidden hunger - CIMMYT wheat breeder supports smallholder farmers without access to a diversified diet by improving nutritional quality in wheat
October 28, 2019
Climate, nutrition and security challenges require global food system transformation - The 2019 Borlaug Dialogue explored solutions to feed the planet sustainably in the face of conflict and climate change.
Agricultura digital, presente y futuro del sector
October 24, 2019
It’s time to change the system, not just the technology - Changing farming technologies requires systemic change, argues Lennart Woltering in new article
October 18, 2019
The cereals imperative of future food systems
October 17, 2019
The man who fed the world - BBC radio show Witness History focuses on the life and work of Norman Borlaug
October 16, 2019
2019 World Food Prize recognizes the impact of bringing improved seeds to Africa, Asia and Latin America - The work of laureate Simon N. Groot has helped smallholder farmers to enhance vegetable production and has improved the diets of millions
Ten things you should know about maize and wheat
October 10, 2019
Intense wildfires of 2019 highlight urgent need for transition to climate-smart agriculture
October 2, 2019
Conference highlights need for increased climate funding for rice agri-food systems
September 30, 2019
The strange case of illegal cotton seed in Argentina: why biotech companies are not being informed? (eFarmNews)
September 27, 2019
Dia para entender a importância do trigo
September 20, 2019
Access to Seed Index shows: Implementation of UPOV 1991 unnecessary for the development of a strong seed market - A policy brief by the Association for Plant Breeding for the Benefit of Society (APBREBES)
September 16, 2019
Argentina - Ignacio Rosasco, responsable de Stine Seed Argentina: "Con una nueva ley se puede duplicar la legalidad en semillas" (La Nacion)
September 13, 2019
Can the gene editing technology known as CRISPR help reduce biodiversity loss worldwide? Though scientists are optimistic that CRISPR could help, they also emphasize caution and community engagement in order to get it right (Ensia)
September 11, 2019
Plant breeding innovations required to weather climate change, report says
Breeder Rodolfo Rossi: Argentina could produce 72 million metric tons of soybean (eFarmNews)
September 9, 2019
Argentina - Desde la semilla a la industria, juntos para potenciar a la soja (Clarin)
September 4, 2019
‘Patchwork’ of global gene editing regulations will harm seed production, warns the International Seed Federation
September 3, 2019
Passo Fundo, RS, Brasil - Simpósio reúne mais de 200 pessoas para discutir o futuro da agricultura - Evento comemorou os 20 anos da Fundação Pró-Sementes - A programação foi aberta com a palestra “Políticas no Negócio de sementes”
August 30, 2019
Más de 130 científicos solicitan al presidente de México NO prohibir los transgénicos (Agro-Bio)
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12 books on plant breeding, classic, modern and fun
12 livres sur l'amélioration des plantes : classiques, modernes et amusants
The Triumph of Seeds
How Grains, Nuts, Kernels, Pulses, and Pips Conquered the Plant Kingdom and Shaped Human History
By Thor Hanson Basic Books
Hybrid The History and Science of Plant Breeding Noel Kingsbury The University of Chicago Press
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