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September 9, 2020
Argentina - Alerta por envío de paquetes de semillas no solicitados
September 2, 2020
The evolving landscape around genome editing in agriculture - Many countries have exempted or move to exempt forms of genome editing from GMO regulation of crop plants
Pirataria que dissemina doenças na lavoura
August 26, 2020
Milho, a evolução de uma cultura milenar
August 25, 2020
Forrajes, la clave para incrementar la productividad del rodeo
August 19, 2020
Research underscores importance of global surveillance of plant pathogens
August 14, 2020
International Seed Federation warns against unsolicited seed packages
July 28, 2020
Biotecnologia pode aumentar produção de óleo de sementes
July 27, 2020
Paraguay - El uso de semillas certificadas garantiza una producción exitosa, afirman (La Nación)
July 16, 2020
Brasil - Mercado de sementes vai mudar e se consolidar
Agricultura : fatos e mitos - fundamentos para um debate racional sobre o agro brasileiro
July 14, 2020
Crop disease pandemic coming ‘sooner rather than later’ (SciDev.Net)
En medio de la pandemia, el sector agrícola se alista para la segunda temporada de siembras - Uso de semillas de calidad será clave para garantizar la producción de alimentos sanos en el segundo semestre
July 6, 2020
Current outbreaks of COVID-19 and the international movement of seeds - A statement from the International Seed Federation
July 3, 2020
Colombia tiene en las semillas potencial como despensa alimentaria del mundo
“AlimentAção + Salada” reforça importância do aumento no consumo de hortaliças para imunidade
July 1, 2020
Sementes certificadas: garantia de produtividade
June 29, 2020
Q&A with new ISF President Donald Coles: “We have nothing to apologize for and everything to celebrate”
June 11, 2020
A Sunflower Story - The Crop Trust’s Luis Salazar visits Argentina, where our Crop Wild Relatives Project pre-breeding partners from INTA, the National Agricultural Technology Institute, are evaluating hundreds of new crosses between wild and domesticated sunflowers
June 9, 2020
Associação Brasileira da Indústria do Trigo (Abitrigo) destaca importância de reduzir dependência da importação de trigo no Brasil
June 4, 2020
Brasil - Uso de sementes piratas: um risco para a agricultura nacional - Os avanços genéticos, resultados de anos de pesquisas e testes, são levados ao campo diretamente pela semente
June 2, 2020
Argentina - Cereales de invierno: curar la semilla es clave para un buen arranque
Brasil - Ataques piratas no mar verde - Quando o agro brasileiro perde com o negócio ilegal de sementes e defensivos
June 1, 2020
Chile advances in breeding gene-edited crops that weather climate change
May 27, 2020
CIMMYT for Mexico in times of a global pandemic - CIMMYT representatives discuss the impact of the pandemic on Mexico and why CIMMYT works towards more resilient agri-food systems with healthier and more prosperous people
May 26, 2020
Pandemics aren’t limited to people: How the world’s most famous seed vault defends plants against their next big outbreak (The Counter)
May 18, 2020
The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and the Global Seed Vault Il Trattato Internazionale e il Deposito Globale di Semi delle Isole Svalbard
May 13, 2020
Seed News - Entrevista com José Américo Rodrigues, Presidente da ABRASEM
May 8, 2020
Brasil - País sairá fortalecido como fornecedor de alimentos pós-pandemia
May 5, 2020
Pandemia pode acelerar desenvolvimento de tecnologias para o agro
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12 books on plant breeding, classic, modern and fun
12 livres sur l'amélioration des plantes : classiques, modernes et amusants
The Triumph of Seeds
How Grains, Nuts, Kernels, Pulses, and Pips Conquered the Plant Kingdom and Shaped Human History
By Thor Hanson Basic Books
Hybrid The History and Science of Plant Breeding Noel Kingsbury The University of Chicago Press
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