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May 12, 2021

Semillas y biotecnología: verdades y necesidades

The regulatory landscape for genome-edited plants is rapidly changing, experts say

May 7, 2021

Semente de qualidade é fundamental para o controle de doenças

April 30, 2021

El pan modificado genéticamente sería la cura para la falta de comida en el mundo

April 29, 2021

Brasil - Sementes piratas de soja: porque não entrar nessa roubada!

Empresa argentina apuesta por llevar el primer trigo transgénico (tolerante a sequía) al mercado (Chile Bio)

Cure for food shortages is gene-modified bread, says Bioceres Crop Solutions' CEO (Bloomberg)

April 28, 2021

Sementes piratas causam rombo de R$ 500 milhões ao Paraná

April 26, 2021

Three ways in which protecting intellectual property can inspire innovation

The importance of initellectual property in plant science

April 21, 2021

Los cultivos editados genéticamente que no contienen ADN de otra especie están regulados como plantas convencionales, por lo que no enfrentan las restricciones más estrictas de los OGM transgénicos

March 30, 2021

"Why we all need farmers to have access to better seeds"

March 24, 2021

Evolução e tecnologia: qualidade do trigo gaúcho

Seed at the strating point - Our sector takes part in the journey to the Food Systems Summit 2021
La semence : premier maillon de l’agriculture - Notre secteur participe au cheminement versle Sommet sur les systèmes alimentaires 2021
Las semillas como punto de arranque - Nuestro sector forma parte del viaje a la Cumbre Sobre Sistemas Alimentarios de 2021

March 16, 2021

Seed at the starting point - Global seed sector commits to UN goals, declares engagement to deliver sustainable food systems

February 25, 2021

Bolivia - Buscan mecanismos para evitar e contrabando de insumos y semillas - Bayer Boliviana Ltda., Unión Agronegocios y Corteva Agriscience organizaron un conservatorio sobre este tema (Pagina Siete)

February 24, 2021

Década da transformação no campo

February 23, 2021

2020 Global Food Security Index shows overall decline in food security - Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) releases the findings of 2020 Global Food Security Index (GFSI) sponsored by Corteva Agriscience

February 17, 2021

Colombia - El uso de semillas certificadas en los cultivos garantiza hasta 40% más de producción - El ICA y Acosemillas advirtieron a los productores que del uso de semilla no certificada (Agronegocios)

February 12, 2021

“Gender should not be a blocker”

We need more women in science to fulfil agriculture’s potential

February 9, 2021

Brasil - 2021 será o ano do triticultor?

Brasil - Semente como vetor do sucesso do agronegócio

Stopping climate change from silently crippling the core of our food system

January 13, 2021

Pollinators not getting the 'buzz' they need in news coverage - A dramatic decline in bees and other pollinating insects presents a threat to the global food supply, yet it’s getting little attention in mainstream news

January 11, 2021

Mexican farmers and scientists speak out against government’s anti-biotech agenda

Luiz F. G. Labouriau and the dawn of seed science in Brazil (Cambridge University Press)

December 18, 2020

Don’t forget to register your interest in attending ISSS 2021 by 31st December 2020

December 17, 2020

New APBREBES publication - Focus on plant variety protection: A compilation of selected literature on the impact of the UPOV Convention, alternative sui generis PVP laws and the effect on farmers’ rights
Gros plan sur la protection des obtentions végétales :Une compilation de publications sélectionnées surles impacts de la convention UPOV, les lois alternativessui generis de protection des obtentionsvégétales et l’effet sur les droits des agriculteurs
La protección de las variedades vegetales en el punto de mira:Compilación de literatura seleccionada sobre las repercusiones del convenio de la UPOV, las leyes alternativas sui generis de protección de las variedades vegetales y el efecto en los derechos del agricultor

December 7, 2020

Semillas - Federación Agraria Argentina alerta que está en peligro el uso propio del agricultor, frente al avance del cobro de regalías extendidas

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12 books on plant breeding, classic, modern and fun

12 livres sur l'amélioration des plantes : classiques, modernes et amusants


The Triumph of Seeds

How Grains, Nuts, Kernels, Pulses, and Pips Conquered the Plant Kingdom and Shaped Human History

By Thor Hanson 

Basic Books




The History and Science of Plant Breeding

Noel Kingsbury
The University of Chicago Press


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of the FORUM section


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