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November 8, 2021
México - Sader incentiva obtener semillas de alta calidad (24 horas)
November 1, 2021
World-class laboratories and research fields to the service of Mexico and the world - Representatives of the Carlos Slim Foundation and Mexico’s National Agriculture Council (CNA) agree on the importance of collaboration between the public and private sectors, civil society and research organizations like CIMMYT
October 21, 2021
Haitian agriculture has a seed problem (Devex)
October 14, 2021
Mexico’s farm sector is already lagging as GM crop ban looms
New APBREBES study “Searching for flexibility - Why parties to the 1978 Act of the UPOV Convention have not acceded to the 1991 Act” explores the debates around plant variety protection in nine countries that are parties to UPOV 78
October 12, 2021
The future of food is wild - A new potato variety called CIP-Matilde is the latest example of using the wild relatives of crops to adapt our agriculture to new threats
October 5, 2021
Searching for flexibility - Why parties to the 1978 Act of the UPOV Convention have not acceded to the 1991 Act
September 14, 2021
“Semillas certificadas garantizan la seguridad alimentaria en Colombia”: Acosemillas
August 12, 2021
Cultivos transgénicos, una opción frente al cambio climático
August 11, 2021
Del garage a NASDAQ: entrevista al CEO de Rizobacter, Ricardo Yapur
August 9, 2021
Argentina - Tecnología en soja: señales de alarma para tener en cuenta (La Nacion)
August 6, 2021
Argentina - Una conversación con el Presidente del INASE, Instituto Nacional de Semillas
August 3, 2021
Gene-edited crops made in Latin America, for Latin American needs (Genetic Literacy Project)
August 2, 2021
Bayer suspende el negocio de semillas de soja en Argentina: a partir de cuándo y por qué - El anuncio forma parte de los planes de transformación global de la compañía (Agrofy)
Argentina - Sorpresa y preocupación en el agro porque Bayer deja su negocio de semillas de soja - Expertos del sector alertan que se reduce una oferta de tecnología (La Nacion)
July 27, 2021
Winners and losers in Mexico’s GM corn ban
July 26, 2021
FAO Director-General: World faces historic task to turn the tide on ending hunger, poverty and achieving the other SDGs - QU Dongyu urges global leaders at Rome gathering to change policies, mind-sets and business models to transform agri-food systems
July 23, 2021
An example of best practice - CIMMYT’s MasAgro project acknowledged for promoting sustainable agriculture in new report by The Economist Intelligence Unit.
July 9, 2021
Clashing visions of Mexico's GMO corn ban cloud impact (Reuters)
Pérdidas por paro en sector agro son billonarias
July 8, 2021
Brasil - Certificadas Uma batalha constante
July 2, 2021
Brasil - Pirataria de flores: mais uma modalidade de comércio ilegal no país - Flores falsificadas, multiplicadas de maneira ilegal, são comercializadas em floriculturas e atacados, oferecendo riscos de contaminação e baixa qualidade
June 21, 2021
Los Andes, en encrucijada por los transgénicos (El Universal)
June 16, 2021
“Hay una fantasía con lo natural”, afirmó Raquel Chan, creadora del trigo transgénico tolerante a la sequía (Diario con vos)
June 8, 2021
El Derecho del Obtentor ¿Qué es y en qué consiste?
June 4, 2021
Farmers warn Mexico’s GM corn ban will raise food prices
June 2, 2021
Argentina - De becaria ad honorem a Directora Nacional de INASE
May 28, 2021
Breaking Ground: Fatima Camarillo invests in education Educator and researcher trains partners from around the world in CIMMYT’s unique wheat improvement course
May 24, 2021
International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture releases inventory on farmers' rights - Unique collection of best practices from around the world
May 21, 2021
Dr. Nicolás Ciancio, la historia del pionero e impulsor de la soja en Paraguay
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12 books on plant breeding, classic, modern and fun
12 livres sur l'amélioration des plantes : classiques, modernes et amusants
The Triumph of Seeds
How Grains, Nuts, Kernels, Pulses, and Pips Conquered the Plant Kingdom and Shaped Human History
By Thor Hanson Basic Books
Hybrid The History and Science of Plant Breeding Noel Kingsbury The University of Chicago Press
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