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August 9, 2019
American Soybean Association submits comments on USDA/APHIS proposed biotech rule - ASA supports rule and suggests ways to improve olarity, transparency, and support of plant breeding innovations
August 7, 2019
Tariffs lead to creative supply chains
July 8, 2019
Harry Stine – The father of modern soybean shares his ideas (Market News Reporter)
July 4, 2019
Meet Harry Stine, father of the modern soybean (Ag Professional)
May 7, 2019
Gen Düzenleme İle İlk Bitki: Soya First plant product of gene editing: new soybean varieties
March 6, 2019
La Tracciabilità tradita: il caso della soia - Tra legittimi bisogni di informazione dei consumatori e limiti della filiera del Made in Italy
February 8, 2019
Is fear driving sales of Monsanto's dicamba-proof soybeans? (NPR)
Following the story of Engenia herbicide from BASF through 2018 and beyond - Growers share their insights on dicamba technology
January 31, 2019
France - Investir dans la semence certifiée de soja, c’est fiable
January 18, 2019
Argentina - H. Huergo: No company will release new soybean technologies in this IPR framework (eFarmNews)
January 17, 2019
January 9, 2019
Bayer muss um Monsantos Vorherrschaft auf US-Sojamarkt bangen (Tiroler Tageszeitung Online)
December 7, 2018
USA - Lower soybean seed germination predicted in 2019 (DTN The Progressive Farmer)
December 6, 2018
USA - Non-GM soybeans could be worth a go in 2019 (
October 8, 2018
A conversation with Professor Rita Mumm, who leads the Education and Training component of the USAID Feed the Future Soybean Innovation Lab, which focuses on sustainably building knowlege within sub-Saharan Africa through an African-based education platform (The News Gazette)
September 11, 2018
Brasil - Pirataria de sementes representa uma perda de cerca de 2 bilhões ao ano - Dados mostram que 30% da produção de sementes de soja são provenientes da pirataria.
June 15, 2018
Trump’s $50 billion tariff announcement harsh reality for U.S. soybean growers - America’s leading agricultural export braces for more market uncertainty, potentially devastating drop in Chinese imports of U.S. soybeans and soy products
June 6, 2018
How a genetically modified soybean helped modernize an economy - As Brazil’s farms became more efficient, workers shifted to manufacturing (Kellogg Insight)
The impact of delays in Chinese approvals of biotech crops (Informa Agribusiness Consulting)
May 21, 2018
Syngenta Seedcare Institute interviews - Chad Vest
Syngenta Seedcare Institute interviews - Doug Baumann
April 5, 2018
American Soybean Association welcomes USDA announcement on plant breeding innovations
U.S. soy responds to proposed China tariff
March 28, 2018
Monsanto's chief technology officer Robb Fraley addresses the climate around dicamba - Monsanto commits to greater dialogue, collaboration on dicamba technology in 2018 and beyond (Successful Farming)
March 12, 2018
José Pío Beltrán (IBMCP) “La UE no tendría cabañas ganaderas si no les diera piensos hechos con soja transgénica”
January 25, 2018
Monsanto Co enfrenta grandes amenazas a su histórico dominio en el mercado de la soja (América Economía)
January 5, 2018
Determining the Fit of Dicamba-Resistant Soybean for Ontario Agriculture (The Atrium - University of Guelph)
November 10, 2017
The decisions behind Monsanto's weed-killer crisis (Reuters)
October 1, 2017
U.S. soy growers urge Congress to support the Global Crop Diversity Trust
September 5, 2017
Adding commercial soy in developing countries brings unique challenges
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12 books on plant breeding, classic, modern and fun
12 livres sur l'amélioration des plantes : classiques, modernes et amusants
The Triumph of Seeds
How Grains, Nuts, Kernels, Pulses, and Pips Conquered the Plant Kingdom and Shaped Human History
By Thor Hanson Basic Books
Hybrid The History and Science of Plant Breeding Noel Kingsbury The University of Chicago Press
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