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June 8, 2016
American Soybean Association pushes for immediate approval of soy traits in Europe
May 13, 2016
Is 2016 a good year to use soybean seed treatments?
April 29, 2016
Soy Canada calls on the European Union to honour commitments in CETA negotiations
April 28, 2016
Is there a future for GMO-free soybeans? (Genetic Literacy Project)
April 17, 2016
Argentina - Nuevo capítulo del conflicto por las semillas - Confederaciones Rurales entiende que se trata de una oportunidad para diseñar un marco legal y de fiscalización moderno (Agritotal)
April 15, 2016
CRA: "Nueva oportunidad para normalizar conflicto de semillas en Argentina" (Info Campo)
April 8, 2016
American Soybean Association argues that treated seed is ‘critical to the success’ of farmers
February 26, 2016
Bayer stösst weiter in das Revier von Syngenta vor (Handelszeitung)
January 28, 2016
More work still needed on EU biotech approvals timeline, says the American Soybean Association
November 24, 2015
Por que é tão importante combater a pirataria?
October 20, 2015
Pirataria de Sementes de Soja
October 1, 2015
USA - Bargain seed is costly choice for soybean growers (QT Ag Online)
July 28, 2015
Illinois Soybean Association partners with ag industry to discuss future biotechnology solutions
June 26, 2015
Países da América do Sul devem se unir no combate à ferrugem asiática da soja
June 12, 2015
Southern Illinois University-Carbondale scientist searches for better bean in biodiesel (Illinois Farmer Today)
Southern Illinois University Carbondale student looks to raise soybean quality for fuel
June 5, 2015
Top varieties funneled through soybean breeding process (Agri News)
May 28, 2015
OMGs en la Unión Europea: lo que dicen y lo que hacen los Estados miembros (Fundacion Antama)
May 11, 2015
Managing glyphosate resistance may sustain its efficacy and increase long-term returns to corn and soybean production
April 30, 2015
American Soybean Association pushes for national labeling standard
April 27, 2015
ISB News Report, April 2015
April 23, 2015
Soy Canada comments on the EU’s proposal to allow Member States to reject imports of approved biotechnology crops
April 21, 2015
A vocação agrícola do Brasil: do pau-brasil à soja
April 10, 2015
Canada - Who’s representing your soybeans? (Grainews)
March 16, 2015
Harry Stine talks crop tech (Farm Industry News)
January 23, 2015
Neonicotinoid seed treatments critical for certain soybean operations, says American Soybean Association
January 21, 2015
USA - National Corn Growers Association applauds USDA deregulation of dicamba-tolerant traits in soybeans and cotton, urges EPA action
January 19, 2015
New corn, cotton and soybean traits will require stewardship (High Plains Journal)
January 18, 2015
China injects uncertainty into world of genetically modified seeds (St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
January 6, 2015
See for yourself: to soybeans and beyond - Checkoff offers U.S. farmers opportunity to learn where soybeans go beyond the elevator
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12 books on plant breeding, classic, modern and fun
12 livres sur l'amélioration des plantes : classiques, modernes et amusants
The Triumph of Seeds
How Grains, Nuts, Kernels, Pulses, and Pips Conquered the Plant Kingdom and Shaped Human History
By Thor Hanson Basic Books
Hybrid The History and Science of Plant Breeding Noel Kingsbury The University of Chicago Press
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