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April 12, 2013
USA - Wheat presses need for consistent research funding
Global research to control stem rust disease saves wheat farmers losses worth US $1.12 billion per year
April 10, 2013
Could wheat be made more like maize? Wheat yields could potentially double as scientists seek to make the crop's efficiency of photosynthesis similar to that of maize plants (Farmers Weekly)
Fleckige Nudeln ohne Biss: Forscher nehmen Hartweizen-Gene unter die Lupe
April 9, 2013
Helping Australian farmers by improving the salt tolerance of wheat
April 5, 2013
Canada - First fusarium-resistant spring wheat now in pipeline - HY1610 is a genetic breakthrough that almost didn't make the cut (Alberta Farmer)
March 27, 2013
Ningún riesgo encontrado en 20 años de estudios continuados de OMGs
February 26, 2013
Compétitivité, qualité, durabilité : les acteurs de la filière blé dur mobilisés sur un programme ambitieux de recherche et d’innovation
February 22, 2013
Creating tomorrow’s wheat
February 12, 2013
Can we feed the world?
Blé tendre : Scientifiques et agriculteurs réunis pour échanger sur les perspectives de la recherche variétale
February 7, 2013
No clear evidence that an increased level of gluten proteins in new wheat varieties is responsible for increase in celiac disease
February 2, 2013
Progress and funding of wheat biotechnology research are rapidly accelerated… not in Russia
February 1, 2013
Canada - Red tape hinders investment in wheat breeding (The Western Producer)
Científicos australianos trabajan en el desarrollo de cultivos tolerantes al calor
January 29, 2013
Does wheat genetically modified for disease resistance affect root-colonizing pseudomonads and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi? (PLoS ONE)
January 28, 2013
Food self-sufficiency no longer option for China (South China Morning Post)
January 24, 2013
BASF Adexar: Keith Challen, UK Farmer Testimonial
January 9, 2013
McFadden and Borlaug: pioneering rust-resistant wheat
December 20, 2012
Deutsche Pflanzenzüchter ziehen Bilanz für das Jahr 2012 - Verlässliche Rahmenbedingungen für Züchtungsfortschritt schaffen
December 19, 2012
Spotlight on economics: genetically modified wheat status, outlook and implications
Improving wheat seed system and end-use quality in Ethiopia
December 14, 2012
USA - Presidential commission calls for more ag research funds
December 12, 2012
Kraftloses Korn: Klimawandel verschlechtert Weizenqualität (
December 10, 2012
Poorer quality wheat when carbon dioxide levels in the air rise
November 30, 2012
Industry responds to wheat genome research
November 29, 2012
Major breakthrough in deciphering bread wheat’s genetic code
November 23, 2012
Nitrogen fixing wheat 'possible in the next 20 years' (Farmers Weekly)
November 13, 2012
.Why invest in wheat research?
November 4, 2012
We don't know when UG99 will become an epidemic, says Cornell University professor Ronnie Coffman (Business Standard)
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12 books on plant breeding, classic, modern and fun
12 livres sur l'amélioration des plantes : classiques, modernes et amusants
The Triumph of Seeds
How Grains, Nuts, Kernels, Pulses, and Pips Conquered the Plant Kingdom and Shaped Human History
By Thor Hanson Basic Books
Hybrid The History and Science of Plant Breeding Noel Kingsbury The University of Chicago Press
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