April 5, 2024
Lessons for navigating resistance storms - As cases of chemical resistance rise in weeds, pests and diseases, there is a growing urgency to develop more in-depth understanding and tools to manage these constraints to crop production
May 30, 2023
The grim reality of herbicide resistance - Aaron Hager, University of Illinois weed scientist, urges growers to consider additional weed control tactics as herbicide effectiveness continues to decrease in many species (FarmProgress)
June 22, 2022
Are herbicide-resistant crops a friend or foe of weed management?
January 3, 2022
Resistance to resistance – future control today (The Western Producer)
November 19, 2021
No time for complacency when resistance is on the rise
August 16, 2021
Herbicide resistance no longer a black box for scientists
July 3, 2020
When the drugs don't work - Using pesticide mixtures to combat resistance might be encouraging a different problem
September 18, 2019
What a community in the Heartland can teach us about resistance management: Weed Science Society partners with Entomological Society of America to share learnings from an Iowa demonstration project
December 18, 2018
Long-term view needed to look chemical resistance storm in the eye
July 11, 2018
Fighting the growing resistance of weeds
June 18, 2018
Weeds are winning in the war against herbicide resistance (Scientific American)
May 30, 2018
How far away is dicamba resistance? A new software may have the answer (CropLife)
December 11, 2017
United Kingdom - Low resistance risk fungicide programmes must become the norm
July 19, 2017
Working together to gain control over weed resistance
July 5, 2017
Sociology and herbicide-resistant weeds - Think weed management strategies are all about agronomy? There are other factors (Grainews)
April 3, 2017
Herbicide resistance: the numbing numbers from the weed wars (CropLife)
January 25, 2017
Understanding the challenge of resistance in agriculture - BBSRC is launching a call for applications to understand how agricultural pests and diseases become resistant to the agents currently used to control them
January 5, 2017
Stewardship needed for dicamba-based herbicides (Grainews)
November 14, 2016
PPO-resistance concern spreads (AgPro)
July 27, 2016
Special issue of Weed Science explores human aspects of herbicide resistance
July 12, 2016
Scientists say herbicide resistance predates genetically engineered crops by 40 years
April 7, 2016
Fighting herbicide-resistance - Herbicide resistant weeds aren’t a novelty anymore — now they’re just the norm (Grainews)
September 30, 2015
Herbicide resistance is a global problem - Like Canadians, Australian farmers are planning their strategies to manage herbicide resistance (Grainews)
September 29, 2015
Brasil - Problema de resistência a herbicidas passa por desinformação de técnicos e produtores
July 22, 2015
Weed resistance will come but which weeds will be resistant first is tough to predict (Prairie Farmer)
May 11, 2015
Managing glyphosate resistance may sustain its efficacy and increase long-term returns to corn and soybean production
May 3, 2015
Will superweeds, regulation create a perfect storm in Iowa farmlands? (The Des Moines Register)
December 16, 2014
Scientists debunk 'super weed' myths - Over-use of a single class of herbicides is main reason for herbicide resistance (Farm Futures)
December 2, 2014
Green genes: sustainability advantages of herbicide tolerant and insect resistant crops (Genetic Literacy Project)
November 28, 2014
Economic hurdles influence resistance management (AgriNews)
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Hybrid The History and Science of Plant Breeding Noel Kingsbury The University of Chicago Press
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