Sepetmber 16, 2019
Artificial turf surface can heat up the game to unhealthy levles.
The area immediately around a leaf surface is constantly cooled by the plant by opening tiny specialized cells. When it is warm or windy guard cells aka stomata cells, open and water is actively transpired from within the plant. This little dew cloud makes a huge difference for the player on the pitch.
When playing on an artificial surface, such as asphalt any kind of rubber plain or granulate in fill or even on clay, the reflection of heat has shown to be immense. The heat is not absorbed and has been measured with a common infrared thermometer to reach 50 to 87˚C on the surface on a summer days of 30-40˚C in the air. This heated environment affects the performance of the players. It does not matter if it is international football or Sunday morning junior tennis training. The surface you are playing on can help you cool down and give you a forgiving landing if balance should fail. Or work against you by increasing the temperature increasing the risk of dehydration and has resulted in procedures for use during heat spells for schools and clubs and worsening the damages should you fall and scrape the skin.
To improve the playing environment some irrigate the artificial turf before suiting up for the game. The principle to cool in this way is the same as the plants are doing; the evaporating water is basically cooling the surface of the field. Except the grass plants are cooling without being wet while offering a multitude of services for it soundings, for example being climate neutral or even climate restoring, and while offering drainage ground for excess water masses to mention a few.
The guard cells are specialized cells that can open and close like little lips "exhaling" water that surrounds the leaf to cool it down. Photo credit: Google Abaxial epidermis of leaf blade (Andropogon virginicus)
The build in cooler in lawn grass will help you perform better while playing. It is a better playing environment for players of all ages and of all ambitions.
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