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January 22, 2015
Exceptional care needed when taking on common blossom thrips (Growing Produce)
Nieuw licht op tomaten
January 14, 2015
Abscisic acid treatments can prevent tomato blossom-end rot - Spray, root applications of plant hormone found effective in increasing fruit calcium in early stages of development
January 6, 2015
Peeling Roma-style tomatoes the eco-friendly way
December 18, 2014
Third National Vegetable Grafting Symposium - Growing new roots for the U.S. vegetable industry
December 17, 2014
United Kingdom - Revolutionary tomatoes that resist blight revealed by scientists (Express)
British gardeners can now grow really tasty, outdoor-grown tomatoes
December 16, 2014
Tomatec terá mais de três anos de pesquisa (Cultivar)
INCOTEC launches second generation X.ray seed upgrading
December 10, 2014
Paraguay - Recuerdan recomendaciones para mitigar daños de la Helicoverpa armiguera
November 26, 2014
Abiopep develops solution against CMV in tomatoes (Fresh Plaza)
Abiopep desarrolla una vacuna para tomates afectados por el PepMV (La Opinión)
November 21, 2014
Vermicompost leachate improves tomato seedling growth - Environment-friendly fertilizer supplement stands up to temperature, water stresses
November 11, 2014
New Nematicide Gets to the Root of Nematode Management Problems
November 3, 2014
Getting more out of nature: genetic toolkit finds new maximum for crop yields - An array of gene variants provides “breakthrough benefits” in tomato yield for breeders; other crops are next
October 24, 2014
To wilt or not to wilt - UC Riverside researchers identify new process that explains why tomatoes are susceptible to a disease-causing fungus
October 22, 2014
MicroRNAs suppress NB domain genes in tomato that confer resistance to Fusarium oxysporum (PLOS)
October 17, 2014
Managing lepidoptera in tomatoes (Growing Produce)
October 14, 2014
Wild genes enhance stress tolerance - The genome of the wild tomato Solanum pennellii provides clues as to why this tomato species is so tolerant to stress
New sequencing reveals genetic history of tomatoes
October 5, 2014
DISCOVER >< Discovery may lead to new tomato varieties with vintage flavor and quality
October 2, 2014
Beet curly top virus is an unpredictable disease (Growing Produce)
September 25, 2014
Brasil - Orthene, da Arysta, recebe autorização para aplicação aérea (Cultivar)
September 22, 2014
El enriquecimiento carbónico y la salinidad en la producción de tomate asurcado de alto valor comercial (Interempresas)
September 12, 2014
Nimitz, a novel, non-fumigant nematicide from Adama, approved by U.S. EPA for use on cucurbits and fruiting vegetables
August 26, 2014
Melhoramento genético do tomate
August 22, 2014
How to best identify and control Lepidoptera in tomatoes (Growing Produce)
Leaf mold on tomato: host resistance is a management option
July 31, 2014
En su primer campo de agricultura sostenible, Knorr cultivará tomates ahorrando un 20 por ciento de agua (HortoInfo)
Tips to managing tomato yellow leaf curl virus (Growing Produce)
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