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August 31, 2015
Use of ozone-tolerant cultivars can enhance India’s food security
August 27, 2015
Horizon Ag field day attendees reminded of stable weed control offered by Clearfield rice
August 18, 2015
Plant doctors get to the root of plant stress in rice
August 11, 2015
Two new cold-tolerant rice varieties expand options for Madagascar farmers
July 31, 2015
Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University scientists develop salinity-resistant paddy seed (The Hindu)
July 29, 2015
Tiny grains of rice hold big promise for greenhouse gas reductions, bioenergy - Discovery delivers high starch content, virtually no methane emissions
July 27, 2015
Rice disease-resistance discovery closes the loop for scientific integrity
Reis statt Weizen - Japaner entwickeln backfähiges Reismehl (Deutschlandfunk)
Trigger found for defence to rice crop disease bacterial leaf blight
July 24, 2015
Unlocking the rice immune system - Joint BioEnergy Institute study identifies bacterial protein that is key to protecting rice against bacterial blight
July 20, 2015
PhilRice shares tips for the rainy days
July 9, 2015
Indigenous ‘rice chips’ to revolutionize rice breeding - Indian scientists have developed a high-density microarray chip that could speed up development of new varieties of rice (Livemint)
July 8, 2015
Nitrogen-use efficiency: Transport solution in rice variations (Nature Plants)
July 5, 2015
Indian scientists' new DNA chip for speeding up rice breeding (Z News)
June 24, 2015
Death by midnight: nighttime temperatures affect rice post-harvest quality
June 19, 2015
Avance en la búsqueda de plantas de arroz tolerantes a sequías - Científicos argentinos identificaron un gen cuya actividad permite que una variedad de ese tipo de cultivo pueda producir igual cantidad de granos en áreas con baja disponibilidad de agua
June 15, 2015
Microbe mobilizes 'iron shield' to block arsenic uptake in rice
June 10, 2015
China clones heat-tolerant gene from African rice strain Científicos chinos clonan los genes de tolerancia al calor de cepas de arroz africanas
May 22, 2015
Chine scientists clone heat-tolerant gene from African rice strains
May 20, 2015
Why rice can’t get along with its neighbors
A major QTL TT1 contributes to rice thermotolerance, agroclimatological adaptation and breeding
May 18, 2015
Iron-rich pearl millet reverses iron deficiency in children
May 14, 2015
Rice can “borrow” stronger immunity from other plant species, study shows Estudio evidencia que la planta de arroz es capaz de adoptar la inmunidad de otras especies vegetales
May 10, 2015
Texas rice: does replant seed need another round of insect treatment? (AgFax)
May 6, 2015
Precise genome editing may improve rice crops
May 3, 2015
Whole Genome Sequencing of Elite Rice Cultivars as a Comprehensive Information Resource for Marker Assisted Selection (Gene Sequencing)
April 30, 2015
India - Kerala Agricultural University develops Ezhome-4, new saline-tolerant hybrid rice variety (The Hindu)
April 22, 2015
The Philippines - New ‘AgRiDOCs’ ready to serve rice farming communities
April 13, 2015
Managing seed rots and seedling diseases of rice
April 3, 2015
Rice can borrow stronger immunity from other plant species, study shows
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