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September 2, 2015
España - 5 años de estudio en el cultivo de sandía: 2009-2013 - Proyecto Cerno en cultivos hortícolas: ejemplo del resultado obtenido en sandía (Interempresas)
September 1, 2015
Syngenta receives US/EPA registration for breakthrough fungicide Solatenol
June 17, 2015
España - Syngenta presenta Cidely Top, la solución más eficaz contra oídio y otras enfermedades del melón
May 28, 2015
Sustainable disease control in cucurbits (Growing Produce)
May 27, 2015
Clemson University research improves watermelon yields
March 2, 2015
Grafting research could rescue Washington State’s watermelon crop
January 29, 2015
Understanding melons - Faster breeding thanks to smart combination of techniques
December 18, 2014
Third National Vegetable Grafting Symposium - Growing new roots for the U.S. vegetable industry
November 11, 2014
New Nematicide Gets to the Root of Nematode Management Problems
September 12, 2014
Nimitz, a novel, non-fumigant nematicide from Adama, approved by U.S. EPA for use on cucurbits and fruiting vegetables
June 12, 2014
5 tips for better nutrient management in cucurbits (Growing Produce)
June 3, 2014
Por la Junta de Andalucía, autorizados nuevos fitosanitarios para control integrado en hortícolas (HortoInfo)
May 28, 2014
USA - Walnut growers, lettuce growers have more options for disease control
May 27, 2014
Canada - New horticulture crops now benefit from Bayer CropScience's Proline fungicide - New registration offers horticulture growers broad-spectrum disease protection against some of the most devastating crop diseases
May 23, 2014
Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus brochure available
May 21, 2014
USA - Summit Agro USA, LLC launches Ranman 400SC fungicide for control of oomycete diseases
December 2, 2013
India - Syngenta to pilot protocol for seedless watermelon, cotton in Maharashtra (The Hindu Business Line)
October 31, 2013
Ohio State University's Vegetable Grafting Guide
Vegetable grafting - A research-based information portal
July 25, 2013
Manage weeds in cucurbits (Growing Produce)
April 11, 2013
Grafting to create stress-free plants - Large, high-quality fruit grown on sturdy plants producing over a prolonged season are some of the advantages of grafting (Growing Produce)
March 6, 2013
How to develop a virus reduction strategy for cucurbits (Growing Produce)
February 18, 2013
Ciflufenamida, nueva molécula fungicida para el control de oídio en hortalizas (Interempresas)
February 6, 2013
OECD publication - International Standards for Fruit and Vegetables: Watermelons
November 27, 2012
Decoded genome paves way for better watermelons
November 26, 2012
Watermelon genome gives clues to disease resistance, plant vascular system
Genome decoded: Scientists find clues to more disease resistant watermelons
Chinese scientists decode watermelon genome, possible future benefits for crop improvement
November 13, 2012
Embrapa Hortaliças tem dois projetos aprovados no Edital Universal do CNPq
October 16, 2012
Pollenizer research should help seedless watermelon farmers
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