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USA - New BASF spray rotation programs provide growers with disease control guidelines - Programs outline protocols for different stages of the plant production cycle

November 6, 2017

BASF has introduced four new, targeted fungicide rotation programs that will help nursery and greenhouse growers protect their ornamental crops throughout the plant production cycle.

The BASF Foundational Fungicide Programs include recommended products, rates and intervals to help control a variety of key plant diseases. Intrinsic brand fungicide, which is the foundation of these programs, also promotes growth efficiency and greater plant tolerance to environmental stressors.

The four programs include:

  • Poinsettia Propagation Spray Rotation is designed for root development and transplant stages, which helps plants develop stronger feeder roots and better overall rootballs.
  • Unrooted cuttings and seedlings includes Pageant® Intrinsic brand fungicide. Treated cuttings exhibit faster callousing and greater number of root initials, which helps plants get off to a good start. The diseases controlled include Rhizoctonia, Pythium, Phytophthora, Botrytis and fungal leaf spots.
  • Plugs, rooted cuttings or rooted liners feature Empress® Intrinsic brand fungicide which helps control disease and boost plant health for greater plant survival from propagation to finished plant. Diseases controlled include Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Pythium and Phytophthora.
  • The Specific Target Diseases program provides rotational guidelines for eight to ten weeks of protection from foliar, crown, root and soilborne diseases in production ornamentals.

“The BASF Foundational Fungicide Programs are designed for the grower as a valuable resource to help them implement effective, sustainable fungicide rotation programs,” said Joe Lara, Senior Product Manager for BASF Ornamentals.

To download copies of the BASF Foundational Fungicide Programs, visit  betterplants.basf.us.

Always read and follow label directions.

More solutions from: BASF Crop Protection USA

Website: http://agproducts.basf.us/

Published: November 6, 2017

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