January 23, 2019
High-protein rice brings value, nutrition
January 22, 2019
Scientists discover new ‘architecture’ in corn - Louisiana State University scientists’ findings may improve biofuel production
October 30, 2016
Molecular markers positioning rice for another leap forward (Delta Farm Press)
August 5, 2015
Louisiana State university researchers combat sugarcane aphids in grain sorghum
October 27, 2014
Scientists’ new analysis of plant proteins advances our understanding of photosynthesis
October 3, 2014
Sweet sorghum production guide released
August 20, 2014
Louisiana State University researchers look for biological controls for aflatoxin
August 18, 2014
Entomologist tries to stay ahead of insect resistance to Bt corn
August 14, 2014
Louisiana State University scientists look to molecular markers to speed wheat breeding
July 13, 2014
Louisana State University AgCenter's Plant Diagnostic Center helps solve plant health problems (MyArkLaMiss)
June 13, 2014
New rice herbicides show potential
June 6, 2014
Louisiana, USA - Farmers learn about new rice technology at field day
June 2, 2014
Researchers provide new varieties to sustain Louisiana rice industry
April 5, 2014
Louisiana rice: Louisiana State University scientist searches for better weed controls (AgFax)
March 21, 2014
Researcher studies food safety in greenhouse tomato production
September 13, 2013
Louisiana corn growers learn steps to minimize Goss’s wilt bacteria overwintering in their fields
August 8, 2013
Researchers study 2nd crop, planting date for grain sorghum
Research focuses on soybean planting date in southwest Louisiana
August 6, 2013
Louisiana State University researcher studies threat of hopper insect in soybeans
June 14, 2013
Scientists investigate use of nanoparticles to target ag chemicals
June 13, 2013
High tech used to evaluate soil fertility for soybeans and corn
June 4, 2013
Louisiana State University researcher uses molecular markers to improve wheat breeding program
May 6, 2013
Buckeye rot can damage tomatoes
April 12, 2013
Colorful bedding plants bring shady landscapes to life
March 19, 2013
Research leads to bird repellent approval for rice fields
March 11, 2013
Weed control could improve insect control
March 7, 2013
New soybean app helps farmers identify weed, insect and disease problems
August 7, 2012
Louisiana State University researchers develop wheat to grow in ‘wet’ southern climate
Researcher looks at armyworm resistance in Bt corn
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