Producer’s Choice Seed schedules alfalfa stem nematode seminar August 25, 2010 in Woodland, California
Jordan, Minnesota and Woodland, California, USA
July 23, 2010
Producer’s Choice Seed will hold a ½ day seminar and diagnostic workshop in Woodland, CA to cover a wide variety of topics regarding all aspects of nematode damage and control on August 25, 2010. Alfalfa growers, extension specialists and seed sellers who are interested in learning more about the growing problem of stem nematodes in California are encouraged to attend this regional alfalfa workshop sponsored by Producer’s Choice.
The seminar will include hands-on stem nematode identification of field and plant symptoms. Management strategies will be presented on how to cope with current field infestations and how to prevent and/or minimize future yield losses. Topics will include:
- Update on the California Alfalfa Stem Nematode Problem
- Overview of Plant Parasitic Nematodes of Alfalfa
- Live Plant Displays of Stem Nematode Damage on Alfalfa
- Plant & Soil Sampling for Nematode Identification
- IPM Practices and Control Measures
- Breeding for Nematode Resistance in Alfalfa
PCA and CCA credits will be applied for.
Presenters at the event will include several national Nematology experts, as well as local university and extension personnel familiar with the California alfalfa stem nematode problem. Featured speakers and participants will include:
- Dr. Saad Hafez, Extension Professor, Nematology, University of Idaho (A past graduate of UC Davis & internationally known expert on nematodes)
- Dr. Don Miller, Director of Product Development / Alfalfa Breeder, Producer’s Choice Seed (Cal West Seeds)
- Dr. Lei E, Alfalfa Breeder / Molecular Geneticist (Cal/West Seeds)
- Dr. Jon Reich, Executive Vice-President / Research & Development (Cal/West Seeds)
- Dr. Dan Putnam, Agricultural Productivity Program, Leader & Extension Agronomist (UC Davis)
- Rachel Long, Farm Advisor, Pest Management, Field Crops (UC Cooperative Extension)
Those who plan to attend are encouraged to pre-register by August 13 by contacting:
Carol Souza
T: 530-207-5102
For further information contact: Jack Griffin at 559-805-0730 or by email :
More solutions from: Producer's Choice Seed
Website: Published: July 23, 2010 |