The Netherlands
September 2016
Nijssen presents its mobile walk-in climate chamber MyGrowthRoom during the third edition of Seed meets Technology. This event will be held from Tuesday 27 to Friday 30 September in the Dutch 'Seed Valley'. We are pleased to invite you!
With MyGrowthRoom cultivators and researchers will be able to efficiently optimise growth recipes and test new LED solutions under uniform conditions.
We introduced MyGrowthRoom at GreenTech 2016 where it has been very well received by our business partners and visitors. They welcomed MyGrowthRoom both for its range of applications and its innovative technology.
Cultivation tests with uniform conditions
Cultivation tests play a crucial role for cultivation under LED-lighting. Optimum light schedules and climate recipes improve the product quality and guarantee a good balance between growth cycle and energy bill. Research also shows that, for example, flavour, colour and texture can be influenced with LED-lighting.
With MyGrowthRoom multiple cultivation trials can be carried out simultaneously under uniform conditions. The settings of a cultivation trial are easily saved as a recipe. MyGrowthRoom has a growing area of 6 m3, witha flexible layout and can be used with any cultivation system.
Seeds meet Technology
The program of Seed meets Technology features several symposia and lectures, highlighting the most important innovations in the seed sector:
- Micro organisms and additives in seed
- Seed Vitalisation
- Hydroponics
- Use of LED-light during propagation and breeding
- Phenotyping in practice
Visitors can enjoy engineering and a variety of demonstrations. Outdoors visitors can see the latest developments in hydroponics, as well as variety trials. A ‘variety tour’ will take place twice a day, organised for growers. The tour will take place in the trial fields, the hydroponics and the LED cells. No advance booking is required for the variety tours.
Seeds meet Technology 2016 will be held at Proeftuin Zwaagdijk, Tolweg 13, 1681 ND Zwaagdijk-Oost. The exhibition is open Tuesday 27 to Friday 30 September from 9.00-17.00 uur (Friday: 15.00). Registration is free. Route
Would you like more information or schedule an appointment? Please contact Edwin Snabel, business unit manager climate technology. Call 071 521 62 14 or mail
We are looking forward to meeting you on 27-30 september in Zwaagdijk-Oost!