Huron, South Dakota, USA
April 8, 2015
AgSense®, LLC, the worldwide leader in remotely managed pivot hardware and software, announced its release of the “Field Commander® Ultimate” precision irrigation package. The package combines the industry’s most installed controller, the Field Commander®, with AgSense Crop Link® telemetry units and are available through AgSense’s worldwide distribution and irrigation dealer network.
The affordable package provides unmatched versatility in remote monitoring and management of virtually all irrigation equipment, regardless of brand, age or current capabilities.
The Field Commander Ultimate package allows growers to remotely monitor and precisely control center pivots and pumps, along with monitoring flow, pressure and weather. Capabilities include Variable Rate Irrigation and custom prescription programming by growers or their agronomists. Soil moisture can also be added by adding the AgSense Aqua Trac Pro® or Aqua Trac Lite® soil moisture monitoring device.
“Pivots are controlled and monitored from the Web at or from the WagNet® App for iOS and Android smart phones,” said AgSense Chief Executive Officer, Terry Schiltz. “By packaging these devices together, growers gain ultimate visibility and control of their fields by leveraging their existing in-field irrigation infrastructure with AgSense technology.”
Schiltz also notes that the Field Commander Ultimate package allows AgSense to build on its brand agnostic approach, offering growers the flexibility they have become accustomed to with all AgSense products.
“As irrigation and agronomy continues to merge, the Field Commander Ultimate package simplifies the process of capturing the data needed to make agronomic decisions and implementing VRI prescriptions generated by numerous AgSense agronomic partners, helping lower the overall hardware and software cost associated with merging these tasks,” said Schiltz.
The Ultimate Package is the second major announcement in 2015 by AgSense. In January, the company introduced Aqua Trac Lite into the AgSense line of soil moisture telemetry units, with units now shipping to U.S. dealers for use this growing season.
AgSense is decade-long leader in precision irrigation, remotely managing more irrigation pivots than all other manufacturers combined with installations in over 40 states and 20 countries.
“All of our software and hardware is designed, tested and manufactured in-house. Our tech support staff is in the same building as the software engineers, providing an enhanced environment for our dealers and growers to quickly install and benefit from AgSense technology,” said Schiltz. “We are truly the only company in this business with a fully integrated process, allowing us to quickly adapt our technology to the grower’s changing needs.”