August 24, 2015
Entomologists sniff out new stink bug to help soybean farmers control damage
August 18, 2015
Plant doctors get to the root of plant stress in rice
August 5, 2015
Growing high-value lettuce with low water use - Hydroponics study at Uvalde center shows 85 to 90 percent water savings
July 30, 2015
Drones being honed to help farmers grow better crops
June 17, 2015
BeefSys database designed to prevent decades of research data being lost
June 11, 2015
New crop technology on display at Grow Smart Field Tour at the Texas A&M Field Laboratory near College Station
June 10, 2015
Texas farm goes vertical to net tall yields
May 25, 2015
Phenotyping wheat breeding lines takes on new look
May 13, 2015
Texas grain industry reduces aflatoxin risk
May 10, 2015
Texas rice: does replant seed need another round of insect treatment? (AgFax)
April 11, 2015
Gene modification for aflatoxin and drought resistance could increase corn yields (Science 2.0)
April 10, 2015
Vegetable study targets water savings in the Texas High Plains
April 8, 2015
Experts offer some key considerations for Texas cotton farmers preparing to plant
April 7, 2015
Sorghum silage a suitable alternative to corn silage, with proper management
April 6, 2015
Texas A&M AgriLife research seeks early detection of wheat streak mosaic virus
March 27, 2015
Thirty-year study looks at Bermuda grass sustainability without fertilizer - Forage scientist: Bermuda grass pasture stands can be very sustainable without nitrogen
February 25, 2015
Silage trials show forage type and variety selection key to yield and quality
January 20, 2015
Future Texas A&M crop breeding to place greater emphasis on marker-assisted technology
January 5, 2015
Weather forecasts could become seeding forecasts - Texas A&M AgriLife studies sorghum planting rates based on anticipated moisture
November 27, 2014
‘Liking’ this Facebook page may help treat what you don’t like on your plants
November 17, 2014
Texas, USA - Picking vegetables to grow starts with knowing where to plant
November 15, 2014
An IPM approach to managing herbicide resistant ryegrass in Northeast Texas
October 20, 2014
Fishy vegetable production methods explained through aquaponics
September 22, 2014
Mown grass smell sends SOS for help in resisting insect attacks, researchers say
August 8, 2014
Irrigation auditing/scheduling software migrates to ‘the cloud’
June 19, 2014
Texas, USA - Canola offers benefits for wheat producers when included in rotation
June 13, 2014
Triticale offers grazing benefits, options
June 5, 2014
Keeping the landscape in shape; there’s an app or device for that
May 23, 2014
Texas, USA - Stiles Farm Field Day to feature presentations on weed, grass control in sorghum, new cotton technologies
May 22, 2014
Wheat streak identification can be an issue during drought
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