April 28, 2014
Better genetic markers developed for wheat streak mosaic virus resistance
April 2, 2014
New St. Augustine grass hybrid uses less water, offers other advantages
March 20, 2014
New cotton root rot app hits iTunes Store
February 27, 2014
Taking agriculture to a higher level of precision
November 29, 2013
A ‘SNP chip’ will help cotton breeding researchers take giant leap
November 25, 2013
Texas AgriLife Research scientist utilizes drone to detect wheat disease progression
October 24, 2013
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service expert advises cotton producers to follow fundamentals
September 24, 2013
New Texas A&M AgriLife pocket guide to vegetable diseases available for gardeners and commercial growers
September 11, 2013
Tunnel vision: Texas growers to learn how to lengthen crop production season
September 10, 2013
Water-saving devices are available to growers at reduced cost
June 21, 2013
Researchers determine factors that influence spinach contamination pre-harvest
Cotton Chair Advisory Council at Texas A&M hears latest in research, engineering developments
June 14, 2013
Wheat producers have another aphid control tool
May 30, 2013
June 6 webinar to address when the sunflower is more weed than flower
May 14, 2013
Texas A&M AgriLife Research releases Tx3362, a black pericarp R line of grain sorghum (R.Tx3362)
April 16, 2013
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension to offer classes on plant health (The Record)
April 1, 2013
Texas cotton: Seed treatments for multiple pests (AG Professional)
March 25, 2013
Distance education in plant breeding at Texas A&M University
February 26, 2013
Research study: 200 bushels of corn with only 12 inches of irrigation is a ‘no-go’ in the High Plains
Weed control discussed at cotton conference
February 22, 2013
New books will increase knowledge about grasses across Texas
January 22, 2013
Irrigation management, technology help Texas producers survive drought
January 15, 2013
Texas, USA - Hondo irrigation conference designed in response to shrinking water supplies
December 27, 2012
Owners of sick plants find help at unique Texas clinic
December 26, 2012
Texas, USA - 2012 produced extreme spider mite infestations in corn
December 25, 2012
Texas AgriLife Research expert: Drought-tolerant corn advances beginning to show
December 17, 2012
Soil-water profile key to wheat root system, drought survivability
November 15, 2012
Dwindling water supplies prompt recommendations for Texas growers
November 2, 2012
Two irrigation design workshops set for Dec. 4-6 in Dallas, Texas
October 29, 2012
Zebra chip: Funny name, serious disease
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