Davis, California, USA
July 1, 2014
September 16-18, 2014, Davis, California
The course objective is to enhance the management skills of professional scientists who are leading and directing plant breeding and laboratory programs in modern agricultural research and development programs of agribusiness companies and the public sector. The program was offered for the first time in 2013. It was extremely well-received by the plant breeding community. Below are the list of participating companies and some of the testimonials.
2013 Program Management for Plant Breeders Participating Companies
Advanta Semillas; Agracast; Arcadia Biosciences; D'Arrigo Bros Co; Doctor Seeds Pvt. Ltd.; Donmario Semillas; DuPont Pioneer; Dow AgroSciences LLC; Enza Zaden; Girassol Agricola; Global Seed Genetics; HM. Clause; Indigenous Knowledge Initiative; Krishidhan Seeds Pvt. Ltd.; Lundberg Family Farms; MAY Seed; Mondelez International; Monsanto; Nunhems USA, Inc; Rice Technology Solutions; Semillas Fito; SES VanderHave; Syngenta; Texas A&M AgriLife Research; UC Davis; Universidad de Chile and Università degli Studi di Padova.
2013 Testimonials
“This is a very practical and useful course. For those of us trained as scientists but often placed in management positions and work in new areas such as budgeting and human resources, this course provides the necessary tools to face these challenges. Thanks guys!” - Bill Kazokas, Semillas Fito, USA
“The material compiled, disseminated and delivered was exceedingly clear and eloquent. The way the course was conducted in a very informal and meaningful style. Theory combined with exercises was beautifully done.” - Dr. Rajinder Singh Puna, Doctor Seeds Pvt. Ltd., India
“It was really great to learn and listen to REAL situations and solutions that highly notable lecturers (Fred Bliss, Tom Francis and Rale Gjuric) experienced in the world of research. I highly recommend this to these research managers, not only plant breeders but anybody handling people in the research setting.” - Alex T. Rigor, DuPont Pioneer, Philippines
“It was a valuable course for me. I just took a position as global research lead with only two years of experience as manager. All topics addressed in the course are daily issues for me. Good to bring new concepts and tips form management and leadership perspective. Thanks!” - Victor Abertondo, Advanta Semillas, Argentina
For questions or additional information, please contact Sally Mohr at sjmohr@ucdavis.edu or at 530-752-5775, or visit Program Management for Plant Breeders.
Registration is also available on the site.
Note that the early-bird rate ends on August 4, 2014.