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Answers to common questions on corn nitrogen demands and on making the most efficient sidedress application

May 28, 2014

Source: Agricen

When does a corn crop need most of its nitrogen?

Growers often want to put nitrogen out early in the season—when it is easier to apply—to get their corn crop “up and going.” However, actual peak nitrogen demand for corn is right before tassel (V10 – V14), continuing on through grain fill. Making a sidedress nitrogen application can be an effective way of making sure the crop has the nitrogen it needs when demand is greatest.

How do I know if I am supplying enough nitrogen to meet peak demand and to carry through to grain fill?

Generally 1.1 lbs of nitrogen/bushel of corn is a good rule. However, the nitrogen still has to be taken up by the plant to deliver yield. Nitrogen lost through volatility, denitrification and leaching is no longer available for plant uptake. In addition, poorly developed root systems have less opportunity to take up the nitrogen that is available. Using a split nitrogen application—that is, making part of the application at pre-plant and part at sidedress—can deliver nitrogen when the crop needs it most. This can be especially beneficial in wet years where leaching of pre-plant nitrogen is likely to have occurred.

How can I ensure that the nitrogen I applied is available and taken up by my crop when it needs it?

Many growers prefer a program that protects the nitrogen and ensures efficient uptake and utilization. To get the most out of applied nitrogen, growers can use Dow AgroSciences’ Instinct® II nitrogen stabilizer to help protect nitrogen from denitrification and leaching, combined with Agricen’s Accomplish® LM (available from Loveland Products) to help increase root growth and nutrient availability.

Want to learn more? Register for one of our upcoming webinars: www.agricen.com/webinars.

Accomplish® is a registered trademark of Loveland Products, Inc.
®DOW Diamond and Instinct II are trademarks of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow.
Instinct II is not registered for sale or use in all states. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. Always read and follow label directions.

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    . Agricen
    . Agricen Sciences

Website: http://www.agricen.com

Published: May 29, 2014

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