St. Louis, Missouri, USA
March 5, 2014
The National Corn Growers Association has released video offering tips from perennial high-yield entrants of the National Corn Yield Contest. The new video, which premiered during a breakfast at Commodity Classic honoring the state winners of the 2013 contest, offers farmers across the country a chance to apply the tips learned through the contest to their own operations to improve their yields and their bottom line.
To view the video, click here.
“The contest not only affords an opportunity for farmers to test their skill against their peers, it also provides NCGA with a significant amount of information about cutting-edge production practices that all farmers might find useful,” said NCGA Grower Services Action Team Chair Tom Haag. “NCGA has always looked for new and innovative ways to use this data, sharing the lessons learned with corn farmers. The video provides a quick, simple way for interested farmers to discover new ideas that might work for them.”
The National Corn Yield Contest is in its 49th year and remains NCGA’s most popular program for members, setting a new participation record this year with 8,827 entries. This surpasses the previous record of 8,431 entries, set in 2011, and far outstrips the 8,263 entries received in 2012.
“Over the years, we have seen the contest grow rapidly in popularity,” said NCGA Production and Stewardship Action Team Chair Don Glenn. “While there are many reasons people enter, we hear time and time again that farmers try a contest plot to try out new ideas that could increase yields across their operation. In this spirit of continuous improvement, NCGA is happy to offer insight and advice from seasoned contest veterans that can be applied on many farms, resulting in a real world boost to productivity and profitability.”
To learn more about the contest and explore the expanded online yield guide, click here.
The printed yield guide was published in the mid February edition of Progressive Farmer.