January 6, 2015
Czech researchers create comprehensive model to evaluate soil degradation
December 30, 2014
Pest-resistant maize and its potential health benefits
December 22, 2014
Understanding the genetic basis for drought-tolerant soybeans
October 16, 2013
New soil testing kit for third world countries - Results can help farmers increase yields
May 14, 2013
Crop rotation with nematode-resistant wheat can protect tomatoes - A resistant strain of wheat can reduce nematode numbers in the soil and protect the next rotation of tomato plants
August 28, 2012
Athletic field paint steals spotlight from the grass it covers - Study investigates the health effects field paints have on the turfgrass they cover
December 12, 2011
Managing turf with growth regulators
September 16, 2011
Scab resistance in durum wheat
September 12, 2011
Future smart phone app may diagnose nitrogen needs in corn leaves
July 20, 2011
Health benefits of soybeans - Scientists study the factors that influence the concentration of lutein, an antioxidant found in soybeans
June 21, 2011
Breeding wheat for Fusarium head blight resistance -Scientists turn to an exotic Chinese wheat cultivar in search of disease resistant genetics
June 14, 2011
Unique gene combinations control tropical maize response to day lengths
June 9, 2011
General mesistance in maize to southern rust (Puccinia polysora Underw.)
Stacking resistance alleles from wild and domestic soybean sources improves soybean cyst nematode resistance
May 31, 2011
Learn white mold management tactics through latest Focus on Potato webcast
January 20, 2011
Identifying Factors in Atrazine’s Reduced Weed Control - Research shows growers how to predict if their fields will lose atrazine effectiveness
May 12, 2010
Method to differentiate open pollinated varieties of maize developed - Using genetic fingerprints to protect maize farmers from mistaken or stolen seed identity
November 10, 2009
Irrigation and Time of Harvest Effects on Evaluation of Selected Soybean Accessions Against Phomopsis longicolla
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