Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
August 6, 2013
- Fungicide helps preserve the quality of potatoes in storage
- Remains active for months of storage
- USDA estimates 7.5 percent of potato loss occurs in storage
A recently released product from Syngenta, Stadium™ postharvest fungicide, addresses a problem that fries potato profits. With one application of Stadium, growers can rely on three active ingredients to protect their crop postharvest.
The active ingredients in Stadium—fludioxonil, azoxystrobin and difenoconazole—offer unique modes of action for targeted disease control. Not only does Stadium protect against Fusarium dry rot infections that enter through wounds at harvest, it also controls the spread of silver scurf during storage. A single application of postharvest protection lasts for months, preserving the quality of potatoes throughout storage. University trials have proven this performance on multiple potato varieties across the United States.
Growers should be aware that MRLs in export markets outside of North America are lower than those in the United States and may not be high enough to cover residue on all potato products. Prior to Stadium application, growers are advised to check with their potato buyer regarding Stadium use.
“According to USDA estimates, postharvest storage diseases account for 7.5 percent of total potato losses, and on individual farms, entire storages are sometimes lost,” says Kelly Warman, postharvest manager, Syngenta. “Stadium stands strong against these threats by limiting the spread of pathogens to protect healthy potatoes.”
For the best possible yield and quality, potato growers should follow an integrated full-season approach that features good growing and storage practices. As additional protection against postharvest diseases, Stadium provides growers the peace of mind that their precautionary practices are not in vain.